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English 2 - May 9th Agenda: Think-QUOTE-Share

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1 English 2 - May 9th Agenda: Think-QUOTE-Share
“Life of Pi” directed by Ang Lee Narrative Work Time Exit Ticket Homework You Will Need Life of Pi Narrative Draft ½ sheet for Exit Ticket Writing Implement

2 Think-QUOTE-Share Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, work with students around you to find text support for your answers. Chosen students share to the whole class. Question 1: What is Pi’s mental state while he is in the hospital?

3 Think-QUOTE-Share Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, work with students around you to find text support for your answers. Chosen students share to the whole class. Question 2: What influences Pi’s actions while he is in the hospital?

4 Think-Pair-Share Think SILENTLY about the question below. When I say go, discuss your answer with the students around you. Chosen students share to the whole class. Question 3: Which story do you believe, the version in Part 2, or the version in Part 3?

5 Exit Ticket - First ½ of Movie
Pick one of the following changes Pi sneaking in to feed Richard Parker The love interest in dance class Pi screaming “I’m sorry” as he clings to the boat. Why would Ang Lee (the director) choose to make these changes? Do they improve the story? Why or why not?

6 Homework - Due Wednesday, 5/11
Work on Hero’s Journey Narratives. Final drafts due by 11:59 pm, 5/11. Notebooks are due IN CLASS on 5/11.

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