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Can your cell phone save the world?

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Presentation on theme: "Can your cell phone save the world?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can your cell phone save the world?

2 Key Elements Your name I am from (Your city and State)
I am calling today because I care about (Issue) 1 reason you care Please urge the Seantor/Representative to vote for/against ______ bill ______ (name) (number) Thank you

3 Find the phone number AZ - Flake, Jeff - (202) 224-4521
NC - Burr, Richard(202) AZ - McCain, John - (202) NC - Tillis, Thom (202) CA - Boxer, Barbara - (202) NJ - Booker, Cory A. (202) CA - Feinstein, Dianne - (202) NJ - Menendez, Robert (202) FL - Nelson, Bill - (202) OH - Brown, Sherrod (202) FL - Rubio, Marco - (202) OH - Portman, Rob - (202) IL - Durbin, Richard J. (202) PA - Casey, Robert P., Jr. (202) IL - Kirk, Mark(202) PA - Toomey, Patrick J. - (202) IN - Coats, Daniel (202) TX - Cornyn, John (202) IN - Donnelly, Joe (202) TX - Cruz, Ted (202) LA - Cassidy, Bill(202) WA - Cantwell, Maria (202) LA - Vitter, David (202) WA - Murray, Patty (202) MN - Franken, Al (202) WI - Baldwin, Tammy (202) MN - Klobuchar, Amy (202) WI - Johnson, Ron (202) MO - Blunt, Roy (202) MO - McCaskill, Claire (202) Capitol Switchboard (202)

4 Key Elements Your name I am from (Your city and State)
I am calling today because I care about (Issue) 1 reason you care Please urge the Seantor/Representative to vote for/against ______ bill ______ (name) (number) Thank you

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