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A New Kind of Monarch Orion Dinh.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Kind of Monarch Orion Dinh."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Kind of Monarch Orion Dinh

2 Vocab Words Octavian Princeps Principate Augustus Vigiles Augustales
Palace Caput Mundi Horlogium Auxiliaries Immunes

3 The New King Octavian defeated Marc Antony at Actium.
He was the sole ruler of Rome at age 32 He closed the doors to the temple of Janus to symbolize the end of Civil war.

4 The First Citizen of Rome
Octavian convinced the Senate into the idea he had restored the republic He was called Princeps (The First Citizen) of Rome Principate is the government he had created Octavian’s Powers Right to speak first Powerful Veto Control over Government Pretended to not be ambitious for power Became known as Caesar Augustus, or simply Augustus (“the illustrious one”)

5 First Citizen of Rome cont.
Accomplishments Reorganized the mess into a Bureaucracy Civil Service Attempted to promote marriage (failed) System of Tax Vigiles - Police force and Fire Brigade Augustus eliminated the network of Bribery and Corruption( Taxes) Service for the unhappy System of Law Priests called Augustales Ruled 41 years Praised

6 A City of Marble Known as Caput Mundi(Capital of the World)
Eight Square Miles Augustus Improved Rome Restored Buildings from Civil War Temples Restored and Created Palace comes from the Palatine Residence for the Emperors Horlogium

7 Military Reforms Praetorian Guards Auxilium-Auxiliary
Many types of men Specialists Quintilius Varus Immunes, people who are dismissed from their regular duties

8 Ch 9 Questions 1. How did Augustus become emperor without anyone realizing it? 2. What improvements did Augustus make to Rome? 3. How did Augustus improve the governing of Rome? 4. What were the Praetorian Guards? 5. How did Augustus reorganize the army? 6. What did Augustus want back from Varus?

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