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AQ Review and Revision Processes & Development of the Current Regime

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Presentation on theme: "AQ Review and Revision Processes & Development of the Current Regime"— Presentation transcript:

1 AQ Review and Revision Processes & Development of the Current Regime
Review Group 0168

2 AQ Review, Amendment and Appeal Timeline

3 AQ Amendment Restrictions (in addition to those detailed on timeline)
Reasonable belief that meter readings used are incorrect, more recent readings are now available or meter details are incorrect. (G1.6.4(b)) except if the AQ is carried over from the previous year where no such restriction applies (G1.6.2(b)(ii)) Consistent application of calculation methodology and submission of all amendment requests where appropriate, regardless of whether the AQ is greater or less than the provisional value notified. (G1.6.4(c)) For a Smaller Supply Points, the change (reduction or increase) must be =>20% (G1.6.4(a)) Unless the change would move a Smaller Supply Point to the Larger Supply Point sector (G1.6.4(e)) where no such % restriction applies

4 AQ Appeal Restrictions (in addition to those detailed on timeline)
For Larger Supply Points (LSPs) On the basis of consumption evidence in which case the appeal must be made between D-7 and D+23 business days (G1.6.13(a)(i)) On the basis of a change to the consumers plant which changes the way gas is consumed (G1.6.13(a)(ii)) Aside from the above, in respect all Supply Points the User may appeal the AQ For an LSP where the proposed value is <=50% or =>200% of the AQ (G1.6.13(b)(i)) For a Smaller Supply Point where the User considers it should be an LSP (G1.6.13(b)(ii))

5 Network Code and UNC Development (1)

6 Network Code and UNC Development (2)

7 Network Code and UNC Development (3)

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