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7X Thursday MN Government Unit Launch

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1 7X 04-07-2016 Thursday MN Government Unit Launch
Objective: Identify the purpose of Minnesota’s Constitution; explain how the Minnesota Constitution organizes government and protects rights. Agenda: Do now: Go to Google Classroom and read the objectives for the new unit. Copy them into your notes. Write down at least 2 questions about what you think we will learn. Discuss Do Now and launch unit MN Constitution Discussion Circles

2 MN Government Unit Goals
Identify the purpose of Minnesota’s Constitution; explain how the Minnesota Constitution organizes government and protects rights. Identify the major state and local (county, city, school board, township) governmental offices; describe the primary duties associated with them. Compare and contrast the basic structures, functions and ways of funding state and local governments. Describe the goals, offenses, penalties, long-term consequences, and privacy concerns of Minnesota's juvenile justice system.

3 Unit Assessment will be a test
Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank True/False Short Answer

4 Identify the purpose of Minnesota’s Constitution; explain how the Minnesota Constitution organizes government and protects rights. You will be doing a reading and discussion of the MN Constitution. As you read you will need to annotate, please listen for instructions on how to annotate a reading.

5 Annotate for: Key ideas Questions/clarifications Vocabulary – circle key words you don’t understand “Talk to the text”  ask it questions, agree, disagree Try to come up with at least 1 discussion question to ask and discuss with your group. Creation of the document containing the guiding principles for the state was not an easy task; however, in the end, territorial residents adopted the Minnesota Constitution. Seven months later, on May 11, 1858, the document was ratified by the U.S. Senate, and Minnesota became the 32nd state. A constitutional convention began on July 13, 1857, to develop the state constitution. However, there was so much bitterness between the political parties that separate conventions were necessary. A conference committee, with five members from each side, was necessary to reach an agreement. The political divide was so great that each party signed its own copy of the constitution. While essentially identical, the two had about 300 differences in punctuation, grammar and wording because of transcription errors. Written on white paper, the Republican version was signed by 53 delegates; the Democratic version, on blue paper, was signed by 51 delegates.

6 Discussion Circles Each group will only need to turn in one packet. You will need to figure out who will take the following roles: Discussion Director 1 Discussion Director 2 Discussion Director 3 Discussion Directors also record the answers for the questions they ask the group

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