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The Night Sky We are the stars who sing, we sing with our light;

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1 The Night Sky We are the stars who sing, we sing with our light;
We are the birds of fire, we fly over the sky. Our light is a voice. We make a road for the spirits, for the spirits to pass over. ...Lakota Sioux Song...

2 The NIGHT Sky The Entire Year

3 T h e Z o d I a c

4 The Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Persians all agreed on this constellation's name of the Ram. Aries: The Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Persians all agreed on this constellation's name of the Ram. The King of Thessaly had two children named Phrixus and Helle who were beaten by their stepmother. The God Hermes became enraged by this abuse and dispatched a Ram to steal away the two children to safety. Tragically, Helle -- unable to hold on -- tumbled from the Ram into waters between Europe and Asia, now called Hellespont in her honor. Phrixus arrived safely on the shores of the Black Sea where he sacrificed the Ram to the Gods and gave its fleece to a sleepless dragon for safe-keeping. Later, Jason and his intrepid Argonauts recovered the prized fleece and returned it to Thessaly

5 The Greeks saw Taurus as Zeus in disguise
The Greeks saw Taurus as Zeus in disguise. The story went that Zeus fell in love with Europa, the daughter of Agenor who was King of Phoenica. Taurus: (Taurus is one of the many animals hunted by Orion, the Hunter. ) The Greeks saw Taurus as Zeus in disguise. The story went that Zeus fell in love with Europa, the daughter of Agenor who was King of Phoenica. On one day while she was playing by the waters edge, she caught sight of a majestic white bull grazing amongst her fathers heard. When she approached the bull, it knelt down and let get on it's back. Once she was on, it sprang to it's feet and took off to the sea in Crete where Zeus made her his mistress. It also represents the white bull that sired the famous Minotaur with the wife of King Minos of Crete. This bull was sent to Minos as a sign that he was the rightful heir to the throne. However, Minos did not sacrifice the bull to Poseidon like he was supposed to, so the ever-vengeful sea god caused his queen, Pasiphaë, to fall in love with it. The Egyptians saw the constellation instead as their god Osiris while the Chinese called it alternatively the "White Tiger" or the "Great Bridge."

6 Castor and Pollux, the "twins" of Gemini, were Greek heroes
Castor and Pollux, the "twins" of Gemini, were Greek heroes. They were among the men Jason led on his voyages on the Argo. Gemini The slide says it all.

7 Cancer, the Crab, plays a minor role in the Twelve Labors of Hercules
Cancer, the Crab, plays a minor role in the Twelve Labors of Hercules. While Hercules was busy fighting the multi-headed monster, Hydra, the goddess Hera, who did not like Hercules, sent the Crab to distract him. Cancer: Cancer, the Crab, appears but briefly during the Twelve Labors of Hercules. While Hercules is heroically battling the multi-headed monster, Hydra, the goddess Hera, who despises Hercules (Zeus’ love child), sent the Crab to distract him. Cancer grabbed onto Hercules’ toe with its claws, only barely breaking the rhythm of the great battle with Hydra. Hercules crushed the crab with his foot. Hera, grateful for the little crustacean's heroic but pitiful effort, gave it a place in the sky. Cancer is famous despite itself due to its Zodiacal origins. In fact, it is very faint with no stars brighter than 4th magnitude (very dim).

8 Leo is the Lion which was killed by Hercules on one of his great quests. Legend says that the lion had a hide that could not punctured by iron, bronze or stone. Since he couldn't reason with the ferocious beast, Hercules strangled it to death and the local people were very grateful. Leo: Leo is the Nemean Lion which is killed by Hercules during his continuous great quests. Legend says that the Lion had a hide that could not punctured with weapons of iron, bronze or stone. Since Hercules could not reason with the ferocious beast, he was forced to strangled it to death during a ferocious battle. However, local citizens were very grateful to have this terrifying beast come to an end. Other cultures associated this constellation with the Sun since it is in the sky during the summer solstice (although this is no longer true, due to the precession of the Earth's axis). Since Nile floods around this time, the ancient Egyptians worshipped the celestial lion.

9 Virgo: In Roman times, the constellation Virgo was known as Ceres. Ceres was the goddess of harvests, particularly corn. Her festival was the second week of April, the same time that the constellation appears in the Spring skies. Just your basic virgin that is responsible for new life and growth, just as the new spring seasons indicate. In Roman times, the constellation Virgo was known as Ceres. Ceres was the goddess of harvests, particularly corn. Her festival was the second week of April, the same time that the constellation appears in the Spring skies.

10 Libra was commonly thought of as the scales of balance but eventually became known as Hades' golden chariot. Hades used his chariot every time he wished to emerge in the upper world in search of women. The Chariot is pulled by four jet-black horses. Libra: Libra is commonly thought of as the scales of balance (between seasons and justice) but is also known to symbolize Hades' golden horse drawn chariot. Hades used his chariot every time he wished to emerge from the underworld in search of comely young beautiful women for his pleasure. During one trip, he fell in love with Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the Goddess of agriculture, and kidnapped her. Demeter was so deeply saddened by her daughter's kidnapping, all crops stopped growing (fall). Zeus felt it best to work a deal with Hades. Hades and Demeter agreed that for four months during the year, Persephone stays with her husband while she spends the remaining eight months with her mother. During the four months when Persephone is gone, Demeter mourns the loss of her daughter and, therefore, winter falls on Earth.

11 Scorpius is an ancient constellation and is one of the original six constellations of the zodiac.
Scorpio: Scorpius is an ancient constellation and is one of the original six constellations of the zodiac. Orion, the great hunter, boasted that he was going to rid the world of all wild animals (a real tragedy if successful). Gaia, an earth god of nature and animals, was furious upon hearing this boast. She immediately created the Scorpion and sent it to kill Orion. The Scorpion chased Orion into the heavens, but is never quite fast enough to catch him.

12 Sagittarius's origin is unknown
Sagittarius's origin is unknown. Some believe that is a centaur with a bow, while others believe that it is an archer. Others claim that the constellation was invented by the Sumerians Sagittarius: Sagittarius's origin is unknown. Some believe that is a Centaur with a bow, while others believe that it is an archer. Others claim that the constellation was invented by the Sumerians, that Nergal (as the supreme god of war) is found on two cuneiform inscriptions. Yet this interpretation is open to debate, for Nergal is not necessarily linked with a bow. (Assyrians also have a Centaur like creature within their own mythology.)

13 Capricornus has been recognized as a goat since Babylonian and Chaldean times. Usually, it is depicted as a goat with a fish tail. Capricorn: Capricornus has been recognized as a goat since Babylonian times. Usually, it is depicted as a goat with a fish tail, which might relate to a story about the god Pan. Pan, fleeing a monster called Typhon, jumped into the Nile river but did not fully submerge into the waters. The part of him that was below water turned into a fish, while the rest of him above water, stayed as a goat.

14 Aquarius is a rather faint constellation which would not be famous if it weren't part of the Zodiac. Aquarius, as its name suggests is universally associated with water. In most cultures, it is drawn as a man pouring water from a bucket. This may arise from the fact that the Sun enters Aquarius in early winter when the rainy season begins in many parts of the world. Aquarius: Aquarius, as its name suggests, is universally associated with water. In most cultures, it is drawn as a man pouring water from a bucket. This may arise from the fact that the Sun enters Aquarius in early winter when the rainy season (monsoon season) begins largely around the world.

15 Pisces was named after Aphrodite and Eros
Pisces was named after Aphrodite and Eros. The story of Pisces originated from the destructive monster, Typhon. Typhon was the son of Gaia and Tartarus. Pisces: Pisces was named after Aphrodite and Eros. The story of Pisces originated from the destructive monster, Typhon. Typhon was the son of Gaia and Tartarus. It was said that he had legs wrapped with serpents, the head of a donkey, fire breath, and massive wings (not a pretty picture). When Typhon took to the skies, the sun would be blocked by his size, and his breath of fire could melt rocks. Typhon was so powerful and feared, that the gods of Olympus were afraid of its wrath. When Typhon invaded Mount Olympus single-handedly, the Gods fled by changing their forms into animals. Aphrodite and Eros escaped by changing their forms into fishes. Typhon was eventually defeated by the Gods led by Athena. Zeus paralyzed the monster with his thunderbolts and then threw Mount Aetna (volcano!) onto the monster. Trapped there, Typhon spewed fire and rocks out of the mountain.

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