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First Hour Care audit data

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1 First Hour Care audit data
Dr Nilesh Agrawal Dr Paul Cawley (on behalf of EoE First Hour Care Project Team) 14 April 2019 EOE Neonatal ODN

2 Audit Pillar of Clinical governance
Compares current practice to known gold standards/ best evidence practice. Analyze and interpret results Make suggestions for change Re audit to measure and demonstrate change It’s a Cyclical process

3 Setting The East of England Neonatal Operational Delivery Network consists of 17 neonatal units spanning 6 counties. This collaboration includes 3 tertiary Neonatal Intensive Care Units with 2 specialist paediatric surgical centres, and an acute neonatal transfer service. 70,000 per annum 3,500 premature births 800 are born very premature. 200 are extremely low birth weight/extremely premature

4 Effective change management- PDSA
Plan What [small] changes will we make [& how]? What data is needed to test outcome? Do Put plan into action Study Analyse data [frequent feedback] Act Adopt, modify or reject plan

5 Plan

6 Giving high risk neonates best possible start
Standardize care in line with current evidence Developing an unified region-wide FHOC admission booklet to capture key performance indicators and guide first hour care, Done appropriately – less lung injury/CLD, IVH, ROP and possibly better ND outcomes

7 TIME LINE Feb 15 – Apr 15 Pre-implementation audit

8 Pre-implementation audit
Excel sheet with data validation Blind randomization using anonymous Badgernet IDs 20 babies from each LNU/SCBU, 25 from NICUs Local audit champions and data clean up by project team Amazing response!!! (351 responses : 100%)


10 Do

11 TIME LINE June 2015 Guideline + care bundle/pathway Feb 15 – Apr 15
Pre-implementation audit

12 First Hour Care Thermoregulation Teamwork and peripheral actions
Initial respiratory suppoprt Saturation targetting

13 TIME LINE Aug 15 – Jan 16 June 2015 – Sep 2015 Post Implementation
Audit June 2015 – Sep 2015 Impact assessment Education June Guideline + care bundle/pathway Feb 15 – Apr 15 Pre-implementation audit

14 Post-implementation audit
Same proforma used 7-10 babies per month from each of the 17 units Similar range of gestations as pre audit Logistically challenging as more engagement needed from local champions Data collected from August 2015 to January available (556 babies)

15 100 % compliance again! 14 April 2019 EOE Neonatal ODN

16 Study

17 Post implementation audit month number

18 Care bundle: Teamwork and peripheral actions

19 Antenatal counselling

20 Antenatal counselling

21 Antenatal steroids (full course) (%)

22 Antenatal steroids (full course) (%)

23 Antenatal steroids (full course) (%)

24 Antenatal magnesium sulphate (%)

25 Antenatal magnesium sulphate (%)


27 Baby shown to parents before leaving delivery room room/theatre? (%)

28 Baby shown to parents before leaving delivery room room/theatre?(%)

29 Baby shown to parents before leaving delivery room room/theatre? (%)

30 Care bundle: Thermoregulation


32 Hat applied (%)

33 Hat applied (%)

34 Hat applied (%)

35 Hat applied (%)

36 NLS guidance?

37 Care bundle: Saturation targeting

38 Resuscitation started in air (%)

39 Resuscitation started in air (%)


41 Care bundle: Initial respiratory support

42 PEEP from T0 (%)

43 PEEP from T0 (%)

44 Reason for intubation : InSurE

45 Reason for intubation : InSurE

46 Curosurf 200mg/kg used? (26-30+6 weeks: ~30%, no change)

47 Summarizing 14 April 2019 EOE Neonatal ODN

48 Doing well Antenatal counselling Availability of blenders
Use of saturation monitors Antenatal steroids Antenatal magnesium sulphate in tertiary units PEEP from Time 0 Baby shown to parents after birth Dose of curosurf

49 14 April 2019 EOE Neonatal ODN

50 Not so well Delaying cord clamping (under 10 %)
Magnesium sulphate in LNUs/SCBUs ‘Documenting’ the use of a hat (we all do it!) Admission temperatures (main focus of 2015 NLS guidelines) Reasons for intubation? Be Smart, InSurE ! Time from birth fluids and antibiotics are administered. Delay in writing prescriptions

51 Act

52 Moving ahead Good mix of positive feedback and constructive criticism from the region re: paperwork We have had regular meetings of the core working group to discuss this feedback Lots of positives from audit cycle! Revised paperwork and guidelines have been circulated Continue auditing to measure change Continue addressing the human factors of change!


54 TIME LINE June 16 Aug 15 – Jan 16 June 2015 – Sep 2015
Post Implementation Audit June 16 Improved guidance and paperwork implemented June 2015 – Sep 2015 Impact assessment Education Implementation date Sep 2015 June Guideline + care bundle/pathway Feb 15 – Apr 15 Pre-implementation audit

55 14 April 2019 EOE Neonatal ODN

56 14 April 2019 EOE Neonatal ODN

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