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The Civic Mirror What Is? The Civic Mirror What kind of citizen will you become?

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Presentation on theme: "The Civic Mirror What Is? The Civic Mirror What kind of citizen will you become?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Civic Mirror What Is? The Civic Mirror What kind of citizen will you become?

2 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview THE CIVIC MIRROR STARTS WITH A

3 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview Each student becomes a citizen who must provide for a

4 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview …

5 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview

6 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview But … Because there are not enough goods and services to go around, conflict arises as citizens compete to provide for their families.

7 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview OK … so you might be thinking… How does this work? How do students live in a country? How do they get what they need? Does each student have his/her own country, does everyone share one?

8 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview Every Civic Mirror country is a 36-Hex Map! There exists both an economy & a natural environment. A class of students lives in ONE country, and … The actions of one affect all!

9 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview The hex map serves as a civic mirror. As students progress through the simulation, their hex map evolves to reflect their collective struggles, political debate, and individual ups & downs. Each hex simulates something unique about society.

10 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview All Hexes fall into 1 of 3 categories:

11 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview Because everyone is affected by the decisions of the hex owners, conflict arises as citizens debate over how the owners should manage their property and assets.

12 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview And to prevent their country from slipping into a CHAOTIC MESS, students must somehow GOVERN themselves!

13 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview So participants (students) are left to their own devices to provide for their fictitious families, This creates player stakes. These stakes motivate players to participate in the political, civic, and judicial events that occur in the classroom.

14 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview And !!! Each participant is given a political, economic, and/or ideological Hidden Agenda.

15 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview Now that we understand how the scenario works and how it generates interest, lets learn how it sets up classroom events that simulate the U.S. and/or Canadian system of government, law, and economics. The Civic Mirror is played in rounds, called Years. And every country starts in the Year 2000. Every Year is made up of 4 in-class events, called Seasons. And instructors decide how many Seasons are played.

16 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview Season 1 in the Canadian Module

17 The Civic Mirror Civic Mirror Overview Simulated House of Commons WINTER Season 1 in the Canadian Module

18 The Civic Mirror Season 2 in All Modules

19 The Civic Mirror Season 3 in All Modules

20 The Civic Mirror Season 4 in All Modules

21 The Civic Mirror Season 4 in All Modules National Court Set-Up FALL

22 The Civic Mirror Let's Get Started Create Your Family: Find and click the family link at the top of the page. Here you will see seven fields that represent the seven people in your imaginary family. Give each a name and indicate what their relation to you is (e.g. daughter, grandmother, husband etc.) Remember, everything in the practice run will be erased, including these names. So don't spend too much time on this. You will input the real ones later on. Check What You Own: Find and click the Home link at the top of the page and check to see what hexes you own (if any). Also check to see how much money you have. You can see what other citizens have too.

23 The Civic Mirror CIVIC MIRROR Update Your Asking Prices: When you click on the hexes you own you will see that there is a feature which allows you to update your asking prices. In other words: a. How much would you sell your hex for? And b. How much would you sell one of its units for, or rent it for? Trade: Now you need to provide for your family. Everyone needs food and shelter to keep their family alive, and everyone who has a business or residential hex needs an E/I unit to power it. Determine what you need, find out who has it, and then offer them a trade. Continue trading with as many people

24 The Civic Mirror CIVIC MIRROR Consume Units: Once you have obtained any units you need to consume them, otherwise they will remain in stock and unused. To consume units, go to the My Status page and click on the consume unit button. For example, if you traded for a food unit, a consume food unit box will appear once you get it. Navigating Your Country: There are three ways that you can do this. First, the Units page summarizes all of the units that are in stock and consumed in your country and by whom. Second, the National Info page highlights all the in stock units in your country and who has them. Finally, by clicking the hex itself, you can find out about its unit information.

25 The Civic Mirror

26 The Civic Mirror

27 The Civic Mirror

28 The Civic Mirror

29 The Civic Mirror

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