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Federal states of Germany: Multitude of educational systems

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1 Federal states of Germany: Multitude of educational systems
April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

2 German Educational System
April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

3 School-Administration in North-Rhine Westphalia
Ministry of school and livelong learning parliament School-law, regulating: Aims of schools Types of schools Educational aims Rights and needs Standards of achievement Staff-obligations Cooperation inside and outside the school Output-orientated plans for each subject and grade 5 Regional administrations 5000 schools: Teams of 2 – 6 head-Teachers/school teachers in NRW April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

4 Actual teachers training in North Rhine Westphalia
final exami- nation in practice and theory school practice final university exami- nation seminar education 2/08 8/08 2/09 8/09 2/10 8/10 2/11 8/11 2/12 8/12 April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

5 Future teachers training in North Rhine Westphalia
18 months 12 months final exami- nation Teachers training phase in school and seminar Teachers training phase in school and seminar practical semester in school 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Bachelor Master April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

6 professional and subject-tied
Performance standards conception of teachers training participation in improving partnership in school social competence creativity responsibility and self-control professional and subject-tied competencies communication competencies continued learner competence of responsibility of self evaluation competence of methods of diagnosis of new technologies educating teaching appraising and promoting counselling organizing innovating ability to work in a team identification with the school community April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

7 Teacher‘s workingtime-table (secondary school)
MO TUE WED THU FRI 8.00 – 8.45 English 5 E 5 BI 7 Biology 5 BI 5 BI 9 9.55 – 10.40 BI 11.1 Consultation time 10.45 – 11.30 E GK 12 11.45 – 12.30 E 8 LK BI 13 12.35 – 13.20 13.30 – 14.15 14.20 – 15.05 Con-ferences: All Teachers Special goups Additional workshop 15.10 – 15.55 16.00 – 16.45 April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

8 As to the 14 criteria of teaching observation
Quality analysis - instruments 6 Quality areas 28 Quality aspects 153 Quality criteria As to the 14 criteria of teaching observation 42 Indicators April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

9 Instruments – Quality areas and aspects
Qualities of results Qualities of the teaching process Qualities of the processes involved in school organization 1 School results 2 Learning and teaching 3 School climate 4 Administration and management 5 Professionalism of teachers 6 Aims and strategies of quality improvement 1.1 School-leaving qualifications 2.1 School curriculum 3.1 School as a place to live in 4.1 Responsibility of school administration 5.1 Staff allocation 6.1 Objectives and strategies of particular schools 1.2 Competences in specialized subjects 2.2 Standards and evaluation of achievement 3.2 Social climate 4.2 Organization of teaching 5.2 Further development of professional competences 6.2 Internal evaluation of school 1.3 personal competences 2.3 Teaching – didactic and subject-oriented organization 3.3 Equipment and design of school building and grounds 4.3 Improvement of quality 5.3 Cooperation of teachers 6.3 Planning of implementation/ annual workplan 1.4 Key competences 2.4 Teaching – supporting the learning process 3.4 Participation 4.4 Management of resources 1.5 Contentment of the people involved 2.5 Teaching – learning environment and atmosphere 3.5 Outside cooperation 4.5 Working conditions 2.6 Individual support 2.7 Looking after pupils April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

10 Instruments - procedures
Quality analysis fulfills all or almost all criteria of the quality aspect perfectly or well grade 4 excellent The school fulfils all or almost all criteria of the quality aspect perfectly or well. grade 3 Rather strong than weak With reference to this quality aspect the school has more strong than weak points. The quality of particular criteria can still be improved; essentially the criteria are fulfilled. grade 2 Rather weak than strong With reference to this quality aspect the school has more weak than strong points; the essential criteria can be improved grade 1 Needs considerable improvement All criteria need improvement. April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

11 Analysis of documents (before school inspection)
Instruments - Procedures Analysis of documents (before school inspection) Guided Interviews with school head, teachers, parents, other staff, municipal authority maintaining the school, dual partners Classroom visits (checklist-based) Checklist-based tour of school April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

12 Schedule 1. Tour of school and organizational meeting – quality inspector / head of school /municipal authority maintaining the school(ca. 2-3 weeks before the inspection) 2. Briefing 3. School inspection (usually 3 days) – first feedback 4. Quality report 5. School-internal discussion of quality report 6. Determination of targets by school and education authority April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

13 Qualification of school masters: Management qualities needed
Organization and enhancement of quality: Management of change Management of quality Systematic development of teaching Development of teamspirit “Culture of evaluation” April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

14 2. Staff management Staff selection Staff employment Staff development
Leading Equality Health care April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

15 3. Internal communication and cooperation
Communication with school committees / groups Organization of teamstructures Co-management Controlling Rendering of account April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

16 4. External communication and cooperation
Institution(s) supporting the school School administration Education authorities and quality analysis Schools that transfer / accept pupils Local and regional institutions supporting school and teaching Industry and industrial federations Church Press and general public April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

17 5. Regulations and administration
School law Public services law Budget law Administration management Resource management April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

18 Overview of qualification measures:
I. Information meeting for teachers Orientational training II. Official assessment Further qualification for teachers (100 hours) Aptitude test III. application procedure April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

19 Thank you for listening
April 19 Jürgen Schlömer

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