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Question-Answer Relationships

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1 Question-Answer Relationships

2 How are problems solved when working on a science experiment?
Problems are broken down into a series of questions… By answering these questions, The scientist acquires knowledge and understanding of the problem. Learning is achieved through asking questions.

3 The Scientific Method In Science we call this

4 What is the Scientific Method?
Science is an active, changing, ongoing event. Students need to understand that science is about questioning, experimenting, analyzing, and evaluating. Process that all scientists use to answer questions and solve problems

5 an active, changing, ongoing event.
Learning is an active, changing, ongoing event. Students need to understand that learning is about questioning, experimenting, analyzing, and evaluating. Process that we will use to answer questions and solve problems in our learning is Q-A-R

6 The Steps of the Scientific Method are:
1 . Develop a QUESTION 2. Research your Question 3. Write your Hypothesis 4. Plan your Experiment 5. Gather Materials 6. Conduct your Experiment 7. Make Observations & Collect Data 8. Analyze Data & Draw Conclusions 9. Communicate your results

7 In Liberal Arts you may have heard of:
Costa’s Levels of Questioning Marzano’s Question Stems… Bloom’s Taxonomy

8 We will call this process of learning Q-A-R
Question/Answer Relationships

9 What is it? Question Answer Relationship (QAR)
is a strategy that promotes: active reading active learning critical thinking higher order processing skills

10 That is passive reading!
Have you ever “read” something only to realize your eyes were skimming the page and you were not actually retaining information? That is passive reading! We want active reading!... and active learning!

11 There are 4 types of QARs:
Types of Questions There are 4 types of QARs: Right There Think and Search Author and Me On My Own

12 Where are the answers for each type?

13 Right There Think and Search Answers are in the text

14 I call these “Point-To” QARs There’s the answer! Right there!

15 “Think and Search” Here’s the answer! And here! Here too!
It’s going on here, too!

16 Author and Me Answers are in my head On My Own

17 I call these “Think-Through” QARs
Hmmm… What if…?

18 break it down…

19 “Right There” There is usually only
There’s the answer! Right there! The answer is usually in one sentence of the text. There is usually only one right answer to this type of question. The answer can be just one word.

20 Examples of Phrases for “Right There” QARs
Who is....? What is...? When did...? When is...? Where is...? How many...? Example Right There Question: What is the age of the main character?

21 “Think And Search” The answer is found in several parts of the text.
Here’s the answer! And here… The answer is found in several parts of the text. The questions often ask you to summarize or explain something.

22 Examples of Phrases for “Think and Search” QARs
For what reason...? How did...? Why was...? What caused...? Example Think And Search Question: How did the character return home?

23 “Author and Me” the answers are not in the book.
These are questions about the story, the themes, the issues but… the answers are not in the book. I have to think this one through… Hmmm… What if…?

24 Why did the main character.. ? How did she/he feel when… ?
Examples of Phrases for “Author and Me” QARs Do you agree with….? Why did the main character.. ? What did they mean by… ? How did she/he feel when… ?

25 more “Author and Me” What did the author mean by…?
What do you think will happen…? What did the author mean by…? What did the character learn about…? If you were in a similar position would you…?

26 Example “Author and Me” Question: Would you have made the same choice the character made? Why?
Many “Author and Me” questions (such as those that start with “Do you agree” or “Would you”) need the question “why” added to the end. “AUTHOR AND ME” Questions CANNOT BE ANSWERED WITH ONE WORD ANSWERS. (Do not write any one-word answers for “Author and Me” )

27 “On My Own” These are questions about the book’s theme/issues …but… it is applied out of the book. These questions/answers apply our thoughts, feelings, prior knowledge, and new knowledge into the world This type of question can be answered entirely with prior knowledge. These questions are related to a topic/theme in the book and the answer can be based on a personal experience or connection. The question is where you show your new/acquired knowledge after reading the book.

28 Examples of Phrases for “On My Own”
If you were going to… What are the pros & cons of.. Do you know anyone who… How do you feel about… What is your favorite…why… What do you do when… What can be exciting about.. What do you already know about…. What would you do if…

29 more “On My Own” Have you ever… Would you ever… Example “On My Own”
What does it feel like to feel jealousy? What do you do when you feel jealous? Again, these answers cannot be one word. The answers must show thoughtful processing of acquired knowledge.

30 Here is an example of what NOT to do…
Have you ever felt jealous in your life? Answer: No.

31 What NOT to do… Have you ever felt jealous in your life? Answer: No.

32 Final Q-A-R Project

33 Example: Moshe the beadle taught Eliezer the Kabbalah (Wiesel 4).
Remember! For your project, include internal documentation in your answer for the first two types of questions: Right There Questions Think and Search Questions Example: Moshe the beadle taught Eliezer the Kabbalah (Wiesel 4).

34 Also. This is a “formal” writing assignment
Also! This is a “formal” writing assignment! Do not: - use contractions - use slang - say “I think/I believe” DO: - use strong vocab - check diction for appropriateness

35 So…do you have any questions? :)
Happy Questioning! So…do you have any questions? :)

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