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Proposed Budget and Tax Hearing

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Presentation on theme: "Proposed Budget and Tax Hearing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposed Budget and Tax Hearing
Wichita Falls ISD August 16, 2010

2 Historical Student Enrollment

3 Assessed and Estimated Value of Taxable Property

4 Taxable Roll by Category

5 Area Schools Proposed Tax Rates

6 Combined Tax Rate Burden
Government Rate Rate City County School Total Increase 2.51%

7 WFISD Historical Tax Rates

8 General and Special Revenues

9 Discretionary versus Dedicated Funding

10 ARRA Stimulus Funds State Fiscal Stabilization - $6,734,307
*Reclassified from the General Fund Title 1 Part A Stimulus - $1,280,000 IDEA B Formula Stimulus - $1,435,000 Other Stimulus Funds - $115,135

11 General Fund Budget Summary

12 General Fund Expenditures per Student

13 General Fund Expenditures by Object

14 Employee Increases for 2010-2011
Category Positions Employees Increase Teachers 1,213 1,196 $708,758 Auxiliary 679 604 $119,985 Salaried 185 $99,713 Total 2077 1985 $928,456

15 Debt Service Fund Revenue by Source

16 Debt Service Fund Future Bond Payments

17 General Fund

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