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Do Now Download Lesson 1: Expansion Unit Introduction

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1 Do Now Download Lesson 1: Expansion Unit Introduction
Scroll to the next slide to complete the do now task.

2 Do Now Task Create a mini-concept map in your notebook using the steps below and question below: Question: What is EXPANSION within the context of American History? Step 1: Draw a circle in the middle of your page. Step 2: Write the word expansion in the middle of the circle. Step 3: Draw 4 lines outside of the circle Step 4: Write 1 word or sentence on each of the 4 lines that explain what you think expansion in American History is.

3 Pair-Share What is expansion? Define it.
What does expansion in American History mean to you?

4 Whole Class Discussion
What is expansion? Define it. What does expansion in American History mean to you?

5 Objective Essential Question
To brainstorm and analyze how American expanded in government and geography. Essential Question How has America expanded it’s government and geography throughout the past?

6 Mini-Lesson: What are the ways in which America has Expanded?
Write down the facts below regarding expansion in American History: America has expanded in two ways from the years 1789 and 1862: Government Expansion: Power of the national government in Washington D.C. has grown over time. Geographic Expansion: America has expanded it’s land through warfare and breakthroughs in transportation technology.

7 Independent Work: Part 1
Government Expansion Image # 1 DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below in your notebook or on a Google Doc using the image on this slide. Questions: Does the image show positive or negative effects of government expansion? How have American citizens benefited from the expansion of the national government?

8 Independent Work: Part 1
Government Expansion Image # 2 DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below in your notebook or on a Google Doc using the image on this slide. Questions: Does the image show positive or negative effects of government expansion? How does the image show a positive or negative effect of government expansion?

9 Independent Work: Part 2
Geographic Expansion Image # 1 DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below in your notebook or on a Google Doc using the image on this slide. Questions: List 3 ways in which America expanded westward across the nation. List 1 positive and 1 negative effect of geographic expansion.

10 Independent Work: Part 2
Geographic Expansion Image # 2 DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions below in your notebook or on a Google Doc using the image on this slide. Questions: Select 1 phrase from the map and Google it. Write down 5 facts about that phrase. How do you think America expanded from the 13 Colonies to California?

11 If you finish your work early…..
Check engrade for missing work. Begin Bonus # 1 and 2 Work on your homework packet

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