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Are you experienced in colour composition?! OK,

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Presentation on theme: "Are you experienced in colour composition?! OK,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you experienced in colour composition?! OK,
then have a good look at the following picture...


3 squares “A” and “B” the same?
Are the colours of the squares “A” and “B” the same?


5 NO? Have a closer look!...


7 Not convinced?! Go back if you want.
Nobody has changed the colour of the squares. You have just witnessed an important phenomenon about the funcion of the brain...

8 The brain interpretes the squares
as they should appear: Black or white, shown here as a dark and light gray. It completely disregards that they have the same shade! The opposite squares suggest 2 different colours... and your brain accepts this as a fact.


10 It shows that often we observe things
not as they are but as we want them to be!

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