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IEA Zone 4 Our Years of Change. Looking Back Just a hand full of teams with Keely Ryan as Zone Chair The 2002-2003 Season.

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Presentation on theme: "IEA Zone 4 Our Years of Change. Looking Back Just a hand full of teams with Keely Ryan as Zone Chair The 2002-2003 Season."— Presentation transcript:

1 IEA Zone 4 Our Years of Change

2 Looking Back

3 Just a hand full of teams with Keely Ryan as Zone Chair The 2002-2003 Season

4 St. Francis: one of 7 teams in 2004

5 Zone 4 had 22 teams and sent 3 to Nationals. The show that year was much smaller than in 2010! 2006 – 2007 National Finals

6 By 2008 – 2009, Zone 4 had added 4 Western Teams. Mary Beth Cornelius, Zone Chair, helped Zone 4 grow from 34 to 57 teams with 483 members. 2008 - 2009

7 Membership Grew From 483 to 841 in 2009 and to 1269 in 2010 42 new teams were added in 2009 and 65 in 2010 New teams in Tennessee and Alabama were added Eleven new western teams were added Zone 4 Doubled in 2009 and 2010!

8 Zone 4 is now the largest zone in the IEA

9 With Growth Comes Change

10 In 2009-2010, Zone 4 added an Executive Board to help run the larger group. In 2010-2011, Zone 4 added a Zone Ethics Board to assist the National Steward. We Recruited More Leaders

11 We Created A Juniors Group

12 -Created the Best Turned Out Horse Award and the Most Valuable Horse Award -Experimented with lower numbers of rides -More shows with stalls and overnight stabling -Created a Master Horse Description to better understand our horses We focused on our horses

13 - JustWorld International Horseless Horse Show - -Zone Finals Horsemanship Test Fees Went to justWorld International - -Zone 4 Juniors Assisted Evacuated Horses During the 2009 Flood We Focused on Giving

14 -Zone 4 Website -Zone 4 Facebook Fan Page -Zone 4 Forums We Improved Communication

15 -Six Regions and all Western Teams hosted Zone Finals in South Georgia -The entire Zone hosted a National Final horse show -60 New Coaches joined the Zone, receiving guidance and support from our current Trainers We Worked Together

16 Where Do We Go From Here?

17 Improve Show Planning Improve Horse Use Build Community Relationships Provide Financial Assistance to Selected Riders Improve Sportsmanship Goals for 2010-2011

18 -More Efficient Show Calendar -More Co-hosting with New Teams -Better Show Facilities and Use of Judges -Better Planning For Winter Weather -More Support From the Zone for New Teams Improve Show Planning

19 -Locate horses Better Suited to IEA Showing -Larger facilities for handling large groups of horses -Better system for providing horses; consider different Hoofprint rules for different regions Improve Horse Use

20 -Improve relationships with local Show Managers and Trainers -Increase support from Schools and Horse Community -Create more interaction with IHSA teams -Offer more educational opportunities for members and community Be Better Neighbors

21 Train – Provide riding instruction and competition for middle and high school students Educate - Provide education about equestrian related topics Prepare – Provide education about and opportunities for college level riding Support – Provide support through zone wide philanthropic program Overall, Zone 4 IEA Is Here To...

22 And Accomplishing All That Will Be A Job Well Done!

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