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Our Town: N.O.W. & Then Research Template & Directions

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Presentation on theme: "Our Town: N.O.W. & Then Research Template & Directions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Town: N.O.W. & Then Research Template & Directions

2 Our Town: Then & N.O.W. Independent Project
Directions: In this final section of the N.O.W. & Then Project will you will be working alone to research and put together the final webpage for our class website. You may submit more than one research area final page if you would like for extra credit.

3 Sample


5 Part I. Select a Location to Research
Take the red “x” on the bottom on place it on top of the box that indicates which location your are choosing to research. x

6 Part II. Photos Then & N.O.W.
Go to our class website under “Resources” and find the “OUR Town Research” Tab and click on it. Find 2 other photos of the location you selected and save them on to your desktop. Next, find online or plan on going off of campus over the weekend to take 2 present day photos of the space. Make sure than your “NOW” photos are of the same angle and exact location of the “Then” photos. *Take all of your photos and place them on to the next PowerPoint Slide using the formatted template.

7 N.O.W. & Then Research Photos Place 2 NOW photos & 2 Then Photos below and right next to each other -like the sample shown to you earlier.

8 Part III. The Writing Follow the directions on the next 2 slides to complete the writing portion of the work for your project.

9 used to be… The 1. Write the name of the location NOW on the line below before the the words “used to be…” used to be… Write the location name of what it was called before on the space below. Start after the word “The” The 3. Write your answers for #1 &#2 below as one sentence. Ex. Guelaguetza Restaurant used to be... The V.I.P Palace (Young Bin Kwan). 4. Tell us 2 interesting facts about the location’s past. Focus on important events that were once held there, famous people who once worked or were scene there, famous films shown or filmed there, or why its initial existence was important. Fact One: Fact Two: 5. What happens at the location today? Write in the space below 1-2 sentences about what happens in the current location now. Find 1-2 facts similar to those you found in #4.

10 Now, put all of your answers in to an easily readable paragraph of information. Review the sample below again to help.

11 used to be… The

12 Final Stage! Copy & Paste Slide #7 & #11 and place them right after this slide. Put #11 before #7 & remove the text on top of the copied #7 slide.

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