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Project idea name Subtitle explaining acronym Contact person name

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Presentation on theme: "Project idea name Subtitle explaining acronym Contact person name"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project idea name Subtitle explaining acronym Contact person name

2 Project idea name Challenges and objectives
Describe the strategic vision addressed by the consortium, and the market needs that the projects intends to meet.

3 Project idea name Technical goals
Explain how the project intends to overcome technological blocking points or extend state-of-the-art

4 Project idea name Economical impact (optional)
Specify the product which will be the outcome of the project, the type of value creation envisioned, and the project impact (in terms of employment, sales, patents, publications) Expected duration / budget (optional) Duration in months and budget in k€

5 Project idea name Partners
List known partners and/or profiles for desired partners, by category (SME, large companies, Research Institutes, other)

6 Project idea name Additional relevant information (if required)

7 Do’s Do answer this question: “What problem are you trying to solve?”
Do discuss the market trends that are driving your innovation Give concrete example of applications Prepare yourself, not just your project. Do show your integrity, passion, and conviction Sell the project you are leading, its future applications and expected impacts

8 Don’ts Do not show subproject or WP structures
Do not present a series of bullet points. Tell a story instead Capture the essentials, do not pitch longer than 5 minutes (incl Q&A) Do not end with a generic "Q&A" slide. End with your most important slide, something that you want on screen while you’re answering questions

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