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Austin, Omar Maggie, Oleg, Liam, Maria, and Shellie

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Presentation on theme: "Austin, Omar Maggie, Oleg, Liam, Maria, and Shellie"— Presentation transcript:

1 Austin, Omar Maggie, Oleg, Liam, Maria, and Shellie
Wilson, War and peace Austin, Omar Maggie, Oleg, Liam, Maria, and Shellie

2 How did America give the allies the edge?
American troops gave the allies more soldiers and weapons. They also started to protect the merchant ships.

3 When did Americans join the war?
They joined World War 1 in the spring of 1917 with a mall American force, and in 1918 American troops began arriving in larger numbers

4 How did Americans distinguish themselves in war?
In 1917, America entered the war against Germany with roughly 3 million active trained soldiers.  Unemployment was sucked up by the armed services and war work. Many Americans’ standard of living improved. The America forces made an impact on the war, bringing with them many guns and soldiers. The American factories were pushed into overdrive to support the men and women over seas

5 How did the war end? November 11, 1918, Germany surrendered to the allies in a railway in Compiegne, France (Kohn Pyehn)

6 How did Wilson promote peace?
The Fourteen points: Statement of principles for peace that outlined terms fro resolving the war

7 How did Wilson promote peace?
The Fourteen points: Statement of principles for peace that outlined terms for resolving the war.

8 How did Wilson promote peace?
The Fourteen points: Statement of principles for peace that outlined terms for resolving the war

9 What is Self-determination?
The right of people to choose their ow form of government

10 What is league of nations?
Were a world organization established after World War 1 to promote peaceful cooperation between countries

11 What are Reparations? The payments for war damages

12 Why did the allied leaders reject Wilson's ideas?
Wilson's fourteen points were geared towards peace but that was not what the other countries wanted. Everyone was angry at Germany, so they wanted s treaty that blamed Germany for the damages.  

13 What were the problems with the peace?
The treaty limited the size and nature of the German military. The treaty forced Germany to pay reparations that crippled its economy. By doing all these things, the treaty ensured that Germany would want revenge. The German desire for revenge was the major cause of World War I.

14 Does America join the league of nations? Why or why not?
The United States did not join the league of nations because of opposition in the press and the US senate.

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