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Search for Stability Reading Quiz

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1 Search for Stability 1919-1924 Reading Quiz
Who were the immediate winners and losers of the Treaty of Versailles? Identify and explain SPECIFIC examples of change and continuity in European Interaction with the world AFTER World War I. Explain the effects of political and social crises of the post-war period in Europe.

2 Woodrow Wilson’s 14-point plan
Read the 14-point plan in your table groups. Answer the reading questions that go along with the points.

3 National Self-Determination and the drawing of boundaries
With the exit of Russia, the U.S. had been able to sell WW1 as a battle for democracy in Europe. After the War, President Wilson’s idea of National Self-Determination helped reinforce the idea that peoples should be able to create nation-states and govern themselves. New countries (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) formed in the aftermath of the war. Complex ethnic boundaries across Europe made it difficult to prevent ethnic groups from being divided across borders.

4 Key Points of Treaty of Versailles
Germany declared the sole nation responsible for WW1 – forced to give up significant territory to France and Poland, disarm and Winning countries gained significant territory, especially in accordance with earlier secret treaties. Sykes-Picot Agreement gives GB/Fr Ottoman Territories Italy gains much of Istria instead of Serbia Required new countries to ensure minority protection before their borders would be recognized. Revisionism began soon after due to disagreements caused by the Treaty terms.

5 The League of Nations Pros -Offered mediation for nations in conflict -Protected minorities and humanitarian organizations -Upheld new international principles for human rights -Monitored treatment of protected (colonial) populations involved in trust territory exchanges. Cons -No military force to enforce sanctions -No United States – U.S. Senate refused to ratify the participation fearing forced military intervention. -Uneven power structure favored certain countries.

6 Socio-Economic Changes in Europe
Bolshevik/Communist uprisings in Germany and Hungary. -Hungary loses land to Romania/Czechoslovakia Republic of Fiume provides authoritarian plan for Mussolini IRA and the Irish Civil War – Reparations payments – equivalent to 2 years GDP -Ruhr occupation -Rise of National Socialist German Worker’s Party -Hyperinflation

7 Reflection To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles really a ”peace” treaty? To what degree did it meet the needs of Europe as a whole in the Post-WW1 era?

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