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Microelectrodes and their use to assess ion channel function

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1 Microelectrodes and their use to assess ion channel function
Aleksander Edelman, Marc Chanson, Martin J. Hug  Journal of Cystic Fibrosis  Volume 3, Pages (August 2004) DOI: /j.jcf

2 Fig. 1 Arrangement of a microelectrode and an Ag/AgCl pellet holder typically used for the recording of intracellular voltage differences. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2004 3, DOI: ( /j.jcf )

3 Fig. 2 Effect of Carbachol (CCH, 100 μmol/l) on apical membrane voltage (Va) of isolated skate alkaline glands. The epithelial cells lining the inner leaflet of the glands were impaled from the mucosal side Arrows indicate two consecutive attempts of inpalement. Addition of CCH resulted in an activation of apical K+ channels that hyperpolarized the membrane. After wash-out of the agonist, the electrode was retrieved from the membrane and the offset voltage measured. Note the difference between the baseline voltage prior to impalement and after the electrode was retrieved. Breaking the electrode tip abolished the tip voltage. (Modified from Ref. [7].) Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2004 3, DOI: ( /j.jcf )

4 Fig. 3 Effect of Muzolimine (Mu) on the intracellular Cl− activity of a distal tubule epithelial cell from Necturus kidney. Note that aCl is close to 7 mM, that the effect of Mu is reversible and that the recording is stable over the course of experiment. (Reproduced from Ref. [14].) Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2004 3, DOI: ( /j.jcf )

5 Fig. 4 Intracellular microinjection of Lucifer yellow to evaluate the strength of cell-to-cell communication via gap junction channels. Fluorescent views of airway epithelial cells in culture injected with Lucifer yellow. (A) The tip of the Lucifer yellow-filled microelectrode can be detected. After successful impalement, the fluorescent dye diffuses from the electrode into the cell. (B) After 3 min, Lucifer yellow has diffused from the injected cells to many neighbours, revealing a network of interconnected cells. Bar10 μM. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 2004 3, DOI: ( /j.jcf )

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