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Berkeley RAD Lab Center Proposal

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1 Berkeley RAD Lab Center Proposal
Armando Fox, Randy Katz, Michael Jordan, Dave Patterson, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica RADS Retreat, June 2005

2 Setting the Context Academic research trains next generation of IT leaders AND helps expand IT market 19 $1B+ industries from IT research (NAE) Long-term, experimental research been key Synergy of Industrial + Academic research Academic gov’t (DARPA)/industry funded (>80% / <20%) 3-6 faculty, grad student, 2-3 staff, 4-5 yrs Berkeley SW: Spice/Magic CAD programs, BSD (Berkeley SW Distribution) Unix op. sys., Ingres/Postgres Relational Databases, … HW: RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), NOW (Networks of Workstations), …

3 Traditional Research Funding Today
Avg. industry research shorter term today DARPA exiting long-term (exp.) IT research ’03-’05 BAAs: 9 AI, 2 classified, 1 SW radio, 1 sensornet, 1 reliability Academic led funding reduced 50% in 3 years Faculty ≈ consultants in consortia led by defense contractor, get grants ≈ support 1-2 students in return NSF swamped with proposals, conservative 2000 to 6500 proposals in 5 years IT has lowest acceptance rate at NSF (between 8% to 16%) “Ambitious proposal” is a negative review Even if get NSF funding, proposal reduced to stretch NSF $ e.g., “ServRADS” got 3 x ⅓ faculty, 6 grad students, 0 staff, 3 years (To learn more, see

4 Sustaining Innovation Engine?
Replicate research centers based primarily on industrial funding to train next generation of IT leaders and expand IT market Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC); 50 grad students Stanford Network Research Center (SNRC); ?? Grad students Exciting, long term technical vision Demonstrated by prototype(s) Industry largely funds, so industry helps set directions N companies, where N ≥ 6 center proposes 1st draft of new standard Multiple interfaces: Framework, OS, server, router, …

5 Existing Center Models: SNRC
Foundation Member* ( Industrial Executive Council Place a Researcher-in-Residence CTO Roundtable/Forum Technical Advisory Board Initiate targeted Ph.D. student mentorship program Industrial Review Committee Annual Contribution $250k* $250k $50k Senior Member Affiliate Partner * Must also endow 1 Faculty Chair Grad Fellowships (1 X $1.5M + 2 x $0.3M)

6 Existing Center Models: BWRC
IP: put in public domain or offer no-fee, non-exclusive licenses Participating Member* ( Member, Board of Advisors 1 Provisional Industrial Researcher (< 2 months, no UC IP agreement) 1 Visiting Industrial Fellow (≥ 2 months, sign UC IP agreement) Attend 2 research reviews Donations: Product, equipment or technology Annual Grant Contribution $150K† $75K† Associate Member † BWRC gets ½ funding via MARCO center, funded 50% industry & 50% DoD * P.M. who is also a CITRIS Founding Corporate Member called Platinum

7 Founding the RADLab; Start ≈ Jan ’06?
$2.5M / yr (≈½ BWRC) 80% industry, 20% gov’t 5 years: 25 grad students, 25 undergrads , 6 faculty, 2 staff Looking for ≈ 3 founding companies to fund ≈ 3-5 cost of 2 employees / year + ≈ 3 founding companies to fund ≈ 3-5 cost of 1 employee / year Follow Berkeley Wireless Research Center model IP model, Board of Advisors, Participating/Associate Members, Industrial Fellow, Executive Director for day-to-day operations, … + Add good ideas from SNRC: Targeted Mentor, … + Your good ideas go here (Design review, brain storming, …?) Got leads or advice? Contact one of us {fox, randy, jordan, pattrsn, shenker, Candidate 2 employees/yr: Cisco, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Sun Candidate 1 employees/yr: Amazon, Google, Oracle, Verisign, Yahoo; Telcordia? Tellme? Gourmet by gourmet

8 Overarching Mantra Enable a faster pace of network service innovation through new distributed system architectures that reduce operations cost by 2-3 orders of magnitude The Challenge: Software systems: Too much information  make sense of it through statistical learning & control theory Network systems: Too little information  exploit better observation and monitoring in the network infrastructure to drive management processes The Payoff: Single person can write, profile, deploy, operate the next-generation IT business (“the Fortune 1 million”) Do for Internet apps what Web did for individual publishing

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