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Chapter 1 Business and management research, reflective diaries and the purpose of this book.

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1 Chapter 1 Business and management research, reflective diaries and the purpose of this book

2 Theoretical and methodological rigour Practical relevance Quadrant
Higher Lower Pedantic science Popularist science Puerile science Pragmatic science Table 1.1 A taxonomy for considering the ‘relevance gap’ in relation to managerial knowledge Source: Developed from Hodgkinson et al. (2001)

3 Figure 1.1 Basic and applied research
Source: Authors’ experience; Easterby-Smith et al. (2012); Hedrick et al. (1993)

4 Figure 1.2 The research process
Source: © Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill 2015

5 What has gone well in relation to each experience?
Why has it gone well? What has not gone well in relation to each experience? Why has it not gone so well? What adjustments will/did I make to my ongoing research following my reflection? Why will/did I make these adjustments? (Looking back) how could I have improved on these adjustments? Why? What have I learnt in relation to each experience? How will I apply what I have learnt from each experience to new situations? Box 1.4 Checklist of questions to ask yourself when making reflexive diary entries

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