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Introduction to the Bar Model Meeting for Parents And Carers

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Bar Model Meeting for Parents And Carers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Bar Model Meeting for Parents And Carers

2 Aims To understand the representation of the bar model.
To do some maths with your child involving the bar model.

3 Background


5 Taken from the NCETM website.

6 There are 334 children at Springfield School and 75 at Holy Trinity Nursery. How many children are there altogether? ?

7 Key Stage SATS

8 ? 20p p p p

9 Key Stage 2 SATS 2018

10 ?

11 If Tom spends 61p at the corner shop, how much change does he get from £1.00?

12 Key Stage One SATS 2018

13 50p 35p ?

14 Year 6 SATS 2018

15 600ml 150ml ml ?

16 Building conceptual understanding through CPA .
Emphasise that the bar model is one representation that helps to structure children’s thinking in problem solving The example from the White Rose calculation document shows this as part of a concrete- pictorial – abstract ‘journey . White Rose Hub Calculation document (CPA)

17 As a primary maths coordinator, it's been difficult to escape the lure of bar modelling: it's in every new publication, on all the maths blogs and at every coordinator's meeting. And so, when the time was right for my school, I succumbed. Bar modelling, for the uninitiated, is not a method of calculation. Instead, it is a way of representing problems pictorially: from simple addition, through to finding percentages of amounts, all the way to complex multi-step problems involving ratio and proportion. Bar models can be used to pictorially represent arithmetic problems, as well as reasoning problems written with a context. The reading comprehension involved in problem-solving hampers our children, and while bar modelling doesn't remove the necessity to read and comprehend maths problems, it certainly provides a structured way of working through a written problem. Taken from ‘The Times Educational Supplement’, 20th March 2017

18 As a school we have invested in specialist staff training from Nathan Crook for all teaching staff.
We are running a bar modelling week within school. We have a display on ‘Barvember’ which features work done by children.

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