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Mr. Spratt’s History Class

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Spratt’s History Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Spratt’s History Class

2 Required Materials Bring the following EVERY DAY!
Something to write with Something to write on A notebook for journal entries (this can stay in the classroom)

3 Attendance and Participation
Any combination of unexcused absences or tardies equaling five or more will result in a “U”. Three or more results in an “N.” If you’re not in your assigned seat for the entire period you’ll be marked absent.

4 Journals You need to take AT LEAST one full page of notes in your journal every day This counts for 30% of your grade

5 Tests/Quizzes/Assignments
Expect to take a test or quiz about every two to three weeks Tests and quizzes count for 50% of your grade All other assignments will count for 20% of your grade Every day I’ll mark participation points during journal writing. These points will be added to your grade at the end of the term as a test

6 Late Work, Hall Passes and Makeup
Turn in late work at any time without penalty You can redo assignments/quizzes/tests that you do poorly on All in-class assignments, readings, and presentations are posted to the class website ( If you miss a day, that’s where you’ll find everything you need to make up. You get three hall passes per term. Once they’re gone, leaving the class will result in a truancy. In cases of extreme emergency, the truancy can be cleared with an from your parents.

7 Phones, etc. Electronics of any kind (phones, calculators, earbuds, tablets, Switches, etc.) aren’t allowed in class, except under rare circumstances (which will be indicated by the sign). If I see a device I’ll take it and send it to the office. You won’t get a warning. You can charge your phone on the back table

8 Food Food and drinks (other than water) aren’t allowed in class. If I see it or hear it, it goes in the garbage. You won’t get a warning.

9 Cheating, etc. DON’T! If you’re tempted to cheat or plagiarize (copy someone else’s work), come talk to me. If you are caught cheating you’ll receive a zero on the assignment and a U in the class. These cannot be made up.

10 Additional Help If you need help with anything relating to this class, feel free to contact me at any time. I’m in my room for at least a half hour before and after school, and I answer s the same day I receive them.

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