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Maths Teaching Course Day 4

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1 Maths Teaching Course Day 4
Andrew Lockett and Rachel Mitson

2 Aims of Course Day 1 – Maths subject knowledge – curriculum, glossary, mental methods, fluency, times tables, bar modelling, written methods, where to go for help, gap task. Day 2 – Skills progression – how to cater for pupils for differing abilities and needs. Day 3 – Effective task design – making tasks fit for purpose – fluency, consolidation, problem solving and reasoning. Day 4 – Support for classroom management and resourcing, TA deployment, greater depth challenges, loopy model.

3 Timetable Gap Task feedback – tweaking ARE task → GDS task Game
Use of TAs, deployment Mathematics interventions which work Working in groups loopy model etc. Break Games Resources - maybe look at different ones and how they can be used in different ways, e.g. numicon for decimals etc? Lunch Game Explore ways to answer Luke's question re: loopy model More examples of greater depth challenges and questions

4 Puzzle

5 Nrich Game

6 Feedback from Gap Task Tweaking ARE problems to create GDS challenges.
Gap Task Feedback Feedback from Gap Task Tweaking ARE problems to create GDS challenges.

7 TA deployment and other adults
What is their purpose? What is the subject knowledge like? Do they clash with any children? Is there a conversation with them about who they work with?

8 Marking stations/self mark Green pen/editing and re-calculating
Children Marking stations/self mark Green pen/editing and re-calculating Knowing what to do when they get stuck Resources Friends Adults Checking own book/boards Developing independence

9 Interventions Maths interventions which work:
Drop in interventions - same day with TA/HLTA/Teacher 1st Number 1 and 2 Arithmetic Keep Up, Catch Up - positives and negatives Research and case studies on pre-teaching

10 Break

11 Game Dotty 6

12 Toberlone Real Life Investigation

13 Resources Resources Leaflet from Roehampton University. Bought -
Made - Use in lessons - Displays -

14 Cubes - how? PV counters - how? Numicon - how? Base 10 - how?
Place Value and calculation Cubes - how? PV counters - how? Numicon - how? Base 10 - how?

15 Lunch

16 Nrich Game

17 Nrich Game

18 Creating activities to help with the Loopy model

19 Book challenge/open ended challenges

20 Greater depth challenges

21 Greater Depth Questioning
Question stems...

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