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Semicolon ( ; ).

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1 Semicolon ( ; )

2 Definition/ Grammar Rules
A punctuation that indicates an audible pause and separates major sentence elements. Typically between 2 closely related independent clauses, that is more pronounced than a comma. Refrain from using a semicolon when a dependant clause comes prior to an independent clause. A semicolon can be used in between independent clauses linked by words such as and, but, or, nor, etc., when one or more commas are present in the first clause.

3 Definition/ Grammar Rules
Do not capitalize normal words after a semicolon. A semi colon can be used to divide items of a list if the items are long or contain internal punctuation.

4 Examples A) I went to the park; Andrew went to the pool.
A semicolon will indicate a audible pause in between 2 closely related clauses B) I decided to go swimming; however, my plans were cancelled due to the rain. When you have a conjunctive adverb linking 2 independent clauses you should use a semicolon. Some examples of conjunctive adverbs are however, consequently, finally, likewise and then. C) I am here, and you are over there. I am here; you are over there. Delete the conjunction when you use a semicolon.

5 Questions True or False:
The semicolon joins two independent clauses without using a conjunction such as and Find the Error: I went for a walk; and I decided to go get milk. I am here; You are over there.

6 Answers True The error is and, we do not need it because we have no commas within the sentence. The error is that You was capitalized, it does not need to be since we don’t need to capitalize normal words after the semicolon

7 Dean Watanabe, Michael Abudy, Daniel Kim, Jasmine Chen
Dashes Dean Watanabe, Michael Abudy, Daniel Kim, Jasmine Chen

8 Definitions and Examples
Use a dash to indicate the beginning and the end of an abrupt break in thought or speech or to indicate unfinished thought. Examples: “What I mean by that is—” Michael was interrupted by the phone ringing Use a dash to mean namely, that is, or in other words, or to otherwise introduce an explanation. Also, use a dash after the explanation if the sentence continues. Example: “My mom has two favorite cats—a Tabby and a Siamese.” “I don’t own many clothes—mostly t-shirts.”

9 Multiple Choice Select the letter with the correct sentence. 1).
a) The—water—heated overnight was very warm. b) The water—heated overnight—was very warm. c) The water heated overnight—was very warm. d) —The—water heater overnight was—very—warm.

10 Multiple Choice Select the letter with the correct sentence. 2).
a) I have two favorite colors—red and not red. b) I—have two favorite colors red— and not red. c) I have two favorite colors red—and—not red. d) I—have—two—favorite—colors—red—and—not—red.

11 Multiple Choice Select the letter with the correct sentence. 3).
a) —I have a high fever of 105 degrees— and can’t go to school today. b) I have a high fever—of 105—degrees and can’t go to school today. c) I have a high fever—of 105 degrees—and can’t go to school today. d) I have—a high fever of 105 degrees and can’t go to school—today.

12 Answer Key 1)B 2)A 3)C

13 Hyphens

14 Definition + Grammar Rules
A hyphen is a mark that joins words and can separate the syllables of a word The Grammar rules: Usually the two or more words that are in front of the noun of the sentence get hyphenated; this is an example of a compound adjective Adverbs such as “very” and adverbs ending in “-ly” do not get hyphenated When you write about any time period like years, months, weeks, and age, you use hyphens if it’s not written plural No spaces around hyphens Numbers twenty-one through ninety-nine get hyphenated Hyphens can be used by writers if they think a word can be distracting or have a different meaning than how they meant Dashes are longer than hyphens

15 Examples The suspect was described to be a twenty-two-year-old man.
She had lived in an off-campus apartment. The building had state-of-the-art design.

16 Test Questions Multiple Choice: Lucy is my _______. mother in law
Find the mistake: 2. Tyler is well known at his high school. True or False: 3. The word “swiftly” can be used with a hyphen when used as a compound adjective.

17 By Edward Lim, Luke Makishima, Emi Jalali, Steven Reveche
Apostrophes By Edward Lim, Luke Makishima, Emi Jalali, Steven Reveche

18 Rules Use an apostrophe add “s” at the end of a noun to show possession The one exception to this rule is “its” which shows possession without an apostrophe. When a plural noun has an “s” at the end, put the apostrophe behind the “s” You can combine 2 words with an apostrophe to create a contraction The apostrophe goes where there is a letter being replaced.

19 Examples Edward’s legs are very long.
An apostrophe and “s” is added after the subject to show possession The apples’ stems are brown. The apostrophe is added after the “s” to show possession of a plural subject Don’t be sad Daniel, there are other choices for success. “Do” and “not” are connected by an apostrophe to create don’t

20 Test Questions Find the error from the following sentences.
Is this Stevens' book that he was looking for? There are a dozen containers of ice cream in the fridge, but that does’nt mean you can eat them all. Its a good product.

21 Test Question Answers Is this Stevens' book that he was looking for?
The apostrophe goes before the “s” because there is only one subject There are a dozen containers of ice cream in the fridge, but that does’nt mean you can eat them all. The apostrophe should go after the “n” Its a good product. There should be an apostrophe before “s” to show possession

22 ( ) Courtney Prikosovits Jiana Goulis Nina Nguyen Roman Luo
Parenthesis ( ) Courtney Prikosovits Jiana Goulis Nina Nguyen Roman Luo

23 Always used in pairs (Must be enclosed).
Parenthesis Rules #1 Used to enclose information that clarifies or is used as side information. If material is within parentheses ends a sentence, the period goes after the parentheses Always used in pairs (Must be enclosed).

24 Parenthesis Rules #2 Parenthetical material can be a single word, fragment, or multiple complete sentences The material inside the parentheses is not necessary to the structure of the sentence (sentence could be used without it)

25 Examples The dog (and the cat) walks to the park. -’and the cat’ is not integral to the sentence, so the verb only agrees to dog The dog (and the cat) walk to the park. -The verb used agrees to both dog and cat and is therefore incorrect.

26 Used to de-emphasize information
Parenthesis Rules #3 Used to de-emphasize information Parentheses is not part of the project Commas are more likely to follow parentheses than precede them.

27 Questions Determine if the sentence is correct or incorrect: When the group was waiting, (to get inside Disneyland) the sky started to hail. Correct Incorrect 2. Determine if the sentence is correct or incorrect: The man (and the woman) walks downtown for a Sunday brunch. 3. Determine if the sentence is correct or incorrect: The manager (and his assistant) go downstairs for the meeting. 4. Determine if the sentence is correct or incorrect: Joe (and his trusty mutt) are always welcome.

28 Answers Incorrect, the comma should follow after material within the parentheses, not before. Correct. ‘And the woman’ is not technically part of the sentence, so the verb only agrees to ‘man’. Incorrect. The verb should only agree to ‘manager’. Incorrect. The verb should only agree to Joe.

29 Waiting still for COLON & BRACKET groups!!!

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