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Published bySebastiana Casado Modified over 6 years ago
a = 0 Density profile Relative phase Momentum distribution
We would like to explore the transport properties of a BEC in a periodic potential. Therefore we better start From the simplest experiment we can think about: a condensate expanding in the lattice (NO Harmonic Field) This is a GPE numerical simulation of a condensate wave-packet, here is the density …. Notice that here we consider non-interacting atoms Momentum distribution
Condensate diffraction from an optical grating
LENS, Florence
Energy and quasi-momentum are conserved
a> 0 Let’s try to understand what is happening to the expanding condensate. This is a numerical simulation with the inter-atomic interaction turned on. Notice that in the momentum space there are three peaks, that are what it would be seen if we switch off the trap, and observe the expansion of the condensate
Array of weakly coupled BEC
Let’s came back to the GPE simulation. This is a zoom over few wells. There are a couple of important comments that are in order here: The density really seems to oscillate randomly, BUT, you see that the shape of the condensate trapped in each well does not change. In other words, there is here an indication that there are not internal excitations: each condensate in each well can be described by a Gaussian envelope, and the important dynamical variables are N and \phi. If this is true, as it happens to be, than we should introduce a further parameter in the problem, controlling the transfer of atoms among different well, as a function of the phase differences, the Tunneling rate…. Before to study this problem, let’s consider a different experiment
BEC expanding in a 1D optical lattice
width of the wave-packet versus time .... we have here a paradox A. Trombettoni and A. Smerzi, PRL 86, 2353 (2000)
Array of Josephson junctions driven by a harmonic external field
The array is governed by a pendulum equation
Oscillations of the three peaks of the interferogram. Blue circles: no periodic potential The array is governed by a pendulum equation F.S. Cataliotti, S. Burger, C. Fort, P. Maddaloni, F. Minardi, A. Trombettoni, A. Smerzi, M. Inguscio, Science 293, 843 (2001)
Small amplitude pendulum oscillations
Triangles: GPE; stars: variational calculation of K Circles: experimental results Relation between the oscillation frequency and the tunneling rate
Breakdown of Josephson oscillations
The interwell phase coherence breaks down for a large initial displacement of the BEC center of mass
Questions: 1) Why the interaction can break the inter-well phase coherence of a condensate at rest confined in a periodic potential ? 2) Why a large velocity of the BEC center of mass can break the inter-well phase coherence of a condensate confined in a periodic potential and driven by a harmonic field ? ...of course transport phenomena are complicate stuff to study, as Gary Larson has nicely stated Which are the transport properties of BEC in periodic potentials ?
Nonlinear tight-binding approximation
Replace in GPE and integrate over spatial degrees of freedom Dynamical equations for atom numbers and phases in each well
The discrete nonlinear equation (DNL)
Array of weakly coupled pancakes, cigars, ellipsoidal condensates
The shape and effective dimensionality of each condensate depends on a balance between the local interaction chemical potential and trapping frequencies Array of weakly coupled pancakes, cigars, ellipsoidal condensates
Bloch energies & effective masses
Effective masses depend on the height of the inter-well barriers and on the density
Bloch energy and chemical potential
Bloch states: Bloch energy and chemical potential Masses Effective masses depend on the height of the inter-well barriers and on the density
Bloch energies, effective masses & velocities
How/which mass and velocity enter in the dynamics ?
Bogoliubov spectrum Replace in the DNL
After linearization, retrieve the dispersion relation
Bogoliubov spectrum
Dynamical instability
The amplitude of the perturbation modes grows exponentially fast, dissipating the energy of the large amplitude wave-packet No dynamical instabilities New mechanism for the breakdown of superfluidity of a BEC in a periodic potential
Energetic instability
cfr. with the free (V=0) limit: Landau criterion for breakdown of superfluidity
Landau criterion for Superfluidity
Gross-Pitaevskii equation with a defect: Vdef =V0 θ(t)δ(x) Expansion of the wave-function in terms of the quasi-particle basis:
Orthogonality and Symmetry conditions
with up and vp satisfying the Bogoliubov-De Gennes equations Bogoliubov frequency
Quasi-particle amplitude
For small defects the quasi-particles occupations are small compared to the condensate mode: Landau critical velocity vc=c
Landau criterion for Superfluidity
Normal fluid: The presence of the defect causes dissipation and quasi-particles creation: growing of the thermal fraction. Laser beam BEC Critical velocity Superfluid the defect does not affect the motion of the condensate which moves without dissipations. C.Raman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 83, No. 13
Energetic vs. dynamical instability
EI always sets in before the DI EI DI & EI stable DI & EI stable EI
Breakdown of superfluidity for a BEC driven by a harmonic field
Quasi-momentum vs. time for three different initial displacements: 40, 80, 90 sites Density at t=0,20,40 ms as a function of the Position. Initial displacements: 50, 120 sites A. Smerzi, A. Trombettoni, P.G. Kevrekidis, A.R. Bishop, PRL 89, (2002)
Newtonian Dynamics Dynamical variational principle
Newtonian Dynamics Group velocity Effective force
Bloch oscillations Green line: a=0 Blue line: a>0
Atoms are condensed in the optical and magnetic fields. The harmonic confinement is instantaneously removed along the x direction. 3. A linear potential is superimposed to the system Green line: a=0 Blue line: a>0
Damping of Bloch Oscillations
Solid line: Analytical Dashed line: Numerical A. Trombettoni and A. Smerzi, PRL 86, 2353 (2000)
Quantum dynamics Two-mode boson-Hubbard model
Number state representation
Coherent state representation
phase state representation
Two-modes base
Fock states can be seen as a superposition of phase states with random phase
The lowest N+1 eigenenergies are exactly the N+1 eigenenergies of the two-mode boson-Hubbard Hamiltonian
Quantum phase model The QPM describes the Fock regime
and part of the Josephson regime
Variational dynamics
Classical limit
Numerical solutions
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