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Contract Number: PR Yong-Yi Wang

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1 Contract Number: PR-350-164501 Yong-Yi Wang
4/10/2019 Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement SBD-1-2 Contract Number: PR Yong-Yi Wang October 23, 2018

2 Overview High-level status
4/10/2019 High-level status Overall impression from executing this PRCI project work Structured response plan Plan for next steps Add pictures Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

3 Objectives and Overall Status
Develop ‘short’ guidance document on the management of ground movement hazards for pipeline integrity engineers responding to an event Status The project was very active. Seven team meetings since March 2018 TC meeting in Miami. Draft final report was submitted 8/20/2018. Feedback was received from team lead on 8/29/2018. The report is being re-written. Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

4 Overall Impression from Executing this PRCI Project Work
Very geohazard is different. Proper responses to each geohazard vary. Having simple, short, and effective guidelines is a challenge. Expectations for the project vary from participants’ experience and circumstances they deal with. Post-event response differs, depending on Nature of the event Location of the event Level of impact on pipelines Short- and long-term ROW conditions Easy of access Existence of a response plan prior to the event Number of simultaneous events one has to deal with Risk and consequences Company philosophy Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

5 Structured Response to Geohazards
Three phases Phase I – short-term qualitative response Phase II – one to six month response, either “permanent” or “temporary” solutions Phase III – solve problems not solved in Phase II Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

6 Structure of the Response
Phase I - short-term qualitative effort What happened? to the pipeline to the ROW to the adjacent pipeline(s) Quick operating decisions Shutdown, pressure reduction, full-pressure operation Is ROW stable? Safety of the inspection crew Longer-term increase in strain demand Is the integrity of the pipeline stable if ROW is stable? E.g., fatigue of buckles Crew and public safety Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

7 Structure of the Response
Phase II - one-week to 6-month effort – further assessment and short-term mitigation Goal - get the line back in full-pressure service Assessment Pipeline integrity ROW Work – Level 1 (low- to medium-level impact) ROW stabilization Strain capacity enhancement Monitoring Work – Level 2 (high-level impact) Reroute, including HDD, etc. Pipe replacement Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

8 Structure of the Response
Phase III long-term mitigation Goal - get the line back in full-pressure service Executing work defined in Phase II, but could not be accomplished in 6 months Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

9 Plans for the Next Step Have a revised report before Thanksgiving
Wrap up the report before the end of year, if comments can be received by mid-December. Guidance for Integrity Management of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Ground Movement

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