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Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist (edited by B.Wulchak 2013) © Townsend Press

2 Unit Two: Chapter 8 • attrition • oblivious • circumvent • reticent
• cohesive • robust • grievous • sanction • inundate • vociferous Page 46 in textbook.

3 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 attrition – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 attrition – noun • Sports teams are constantly looking for new talent to replace players lost through attrition—those who retire, quit because of injuries, and so on. • Colleges try not to have a high rate of attrition. They want students to stay until graduation, rather than drop out early. Attrition means A. an increase in numbers. B. a natural loss of individuals. C. ill health. Page 46 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

4 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 1 attrition – noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 1 attrition – noun • Sports teams are constantly looking for new talent to replace players lost through attrition—those who retire, quit because of injuries, and so on. • Colleges try not to have a high rate of attrition. They want students to stay until graduation, rather than drop out early. Attrition means A. an increase in numbers. B. a natural loss of individuals. C. ill health. Page 46 in textbook. Retiring and quitting because of injuries are two examples of a natural loss of individuals from sports teams. In the second item, the words drop out early suggest that attrition means “a natural loss of individuals.”

5 1 attrition the gradual reduction of people working through retirement or resignation; and workers are not replaced; a decrease Ant.- an increase in work force

6 Number 28 circumventing his opponents
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 circumvent – verb • If we take this roundabout route, we can circumvent the rush-hour traffic and get home early. • I had to swerve to the right to circumvent a huge pothole. Circumvent means A. to avoid. B. to meet head-on. C. to make smaller. Page 46 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. Number 28 circumventing his opponents Photo: James E. Foehl/U.S. Navy

7 Number 28 circumventing his opponents
TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 2 circumvent – verb • If we take this roundabout route, we can circumvent the rush-hour traffic and get home early. • I had to swerve to the right to circumvent a huge pothole. Circumvent means A. to avoid. B. to meet head-on. C. to make smaller. Page 46 in textbook. Taking a roundabout route would be a way to avoid the rush-hour traffic. Swerving would be a way to avoid hitting a pothole. Number 28 circumventing his opponents Photo: James E. Foehl/U.S. Navy

8 2 circumvent Syn. – evade, dodge, bypass, get around Ant. –
The passenger is circumventing checking in any luggage. Ant. –

9 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 cohesive – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 cohesive – adjective • For a cohesive pie dough, one that doesn’t fall apart, be sure to add enough liquid. • A family needs to be cohesive—to stay together even when stresses and strains threaten to tear it apart. Cohesive means A. connected. B. popular. C. large. Page 46 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

10 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 3 cohesive – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 3 cohesive – adjective • For a cohesive pie dough, one that doesn’t fall apart, be sure to add enough liquid. • A family needs to be cohesive—to stay together even when stresses and strains threaten to tear it apart. Cohesive means A. connected. B. popular. C. large. Page 46 in textbook. A pie dough that doesn’t fall apart is one that is connected or sticks together. In the second item, the words stay together suggest that cohesive means “connected.”

11 3 cohesive Syn. – unified, holding together
The Miami Heat made a cohesive team effort. Syn. – unified, holding together Ant. – separated, disconnected, divided

12 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 grievous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 grievous – adjective • The death of a beloved pet is a grievous loss for a child. • The assassination of a great leader, such as Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr., often does grievous harm to a society. Grievous means A. preventable. B. unavoidable. C. terrible. Page 46 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

13 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 4 grievous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 4 grievous – adjective • The death of a beloved pet is a grievous loss for a child. • The assassination of a great leader, such as Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr., often does grievous harm to a society. Grievous means A. preventable. B. unavoidable. C. terrible. Page 46 in textbook. The death of a beloved pet is a terrible loss. The assassination of a great leader can do terrible harm to a society.

14 4 grievous Syn. – characterized by pain, suffering, sorrow
The Japanese suffered grievous losses in the March 2011 tsunami. Ant. – pleasant, peaceful, painless, tolerable

15 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 inundate – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 inundate – verb • During the heavy rains, the river overflowed and inundated the fields, destroying all the crops. • After his brief announcement at the beginning of the press conference, the President was inundated with questions from reporters. Inundate means A. to flood. B. to strengthen. C. to go around. Page 46 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer. “I’m so inundated with paperwork that I can’t even find my desk!”

16 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 5 inundate – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 5 inundate – verb • During the heavy rains, the river overflowed and inundated the fields, destroying all the crops. • After his brief announcement at the beginning of the press conference, the President was inundated with questions from reporters. Inundate means A. to flood. B. to strengthen. C. to go around. Page 46 in textbook. If the river overflowed, it would flood the surrounding fields. Reporters at a press conference tend to flood the President with questions. “I’m so inundated with paperwork that I can’t even find my desk!”

17 5 inundate Syn. – deluge, drown, engulf
Streets in New Jersey were inundated from Hurricane Sandy in Oct. of 2012 Ant. – dehydrate, dry, parch, drain

18 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 oblivious – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 oblivious – adjective • The driver continued into the intersection, apparently oblivious to the fact that the light had turned red. • It’s easy to spot two people in love. They are the ones who, oblivious to everyone else present, see only each other. Oblivious means A. angry about. B. not noticing. C. overwhelmed by. Page 46 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

19 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 6 oblivious – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 6 oblivious – adjective • The driver continued into the intersection, apparently oblivious to the fact that the light had turned red. • It’s easy to spot two people in love. They are the ones who, oblivious to everyone else present, see only each other. Oblivious means A. angry about. B. not noticing. C. overwhelmed by. Page 46 in textbook. Since the drive went through the red light, he seems not to have noticed the light. If the two people see only each other, they are not noticing the other people around them.

20 6 oblivious Syn. – clueless, not informed or aware of something, insensible, unaware, unconscious Ant. – aware, cognizant, conscious

21 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 reticent – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 reticent – adjective • Lamar is very reticent about his first marriage; he never talks about his former wife or what led to their divorce. • It’s odd that many people who love to gossip about someone else are so reticent about their own lives. Reticent means A. dishonest. B. quiet. C. unaware. Page 47 in textbook. Answer: B The next slide explains the answer.

22 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 7 reticent – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 7 reticent – adjective • Lamar is very reticent about his first marriage; he never talks about his former wife or what led to their divorce. • It’s odd that many people who love to gossip about someone else are so reticent about their own lives. Reticent means A. dishonest. B. quiet. C. unaware. Page 47 in textbook. The words never talks about suggest that Lamar is quiet about his first marriage. In the second item, gossiping about others is contrasted with being quiet about their own lives.

23 7 reticent Syn. – hesitant, reluctant, introverted, shy, uncommunicative, reserved, taciturn Ant. – talkative, forthcoming, verbose

24 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 8 robust – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 8 robust – adjective • Once an energetic, robust man, Mr. Rand has been considerably weakened by illness. • A number of weightlifters who were previously robust have ruined their health and vigor by taking steroids. Robust means A. very noisy. B. sickly. C. strong and well. Page 47 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer.

25 8 robust – adjective • Once an energetic, robust man, Mr. Rand has been considerably weakened by illness. • A number of weightlifters who were previously robust have ruined their health and vigor by taking steroids. Robust means A. very noisy. B. sickly. C. strong and well. Page 47 in textbook. In contrast with being weakened by illness, Mr. Rand used to be energetic, strong, and well. If the weightlifters have ruined their health and vigor, they must have previously been strong and well.

26 8 robust Syn. – healthy, vigorous, energetic Ant. – ailing, diseased,
unhealthy, unsound, unwell

27 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 sanction – verb, noun
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 sanction – verb, noun • By greeting the dictator with extreme courtesy and fanfare, the ambassador seemed to sanction his policies. • Many people whose children attend religious schools would like the government to sanction the use of public funds to help pay for their education. Sanction means A. to grant approval of. B. to criticize severely. C. to remember. Page 47 in textbook. Answer: A The next slide explains the answer.

28 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 9 sanction – verb
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 9 sanction – verb • By greeting the dictator with extreme courtesy and fanfare, the ambassador seemed to sanction his policies. • Many people whose children attend religious schools would like the government to sanction the use of public funds to help pay for their education. Sanction means A. to grant approval of. B. to criticize severely. C. to remember. Page 47 in textbook. Since the ambassador was so extreme in his greeting, he seemed as if he was granting approval of the dictator’s policies. Parents of children in religious schools would like the government to grant approval of the use of public funds to support those schools.

29 9 sanction Syn. – (verb) to approve, permit, allow, endorse; (noun) a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. Florida A&M Accreditation Sanction due to hazing death Ant. – prohibit, forbid, ban, disallow

30 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 vociferous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 vociferous – adjective • When male loons sense that their territory is being invaded, they give vociferous cries of challenge. • The principal became angry and vociferous, shouting at students who tried to sneak out of the fire drill. Page 47 in textbook. Answer: C The next slide explains the answer. Vociferous means A. distant. B. mild. C. loud.

31 TEN WORDS IN CONTEXT 10 vociferous – adjective
Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. 10 vociferous – adjective • When male loons sense that their territory is being invaded, they give vociferous cries of challenge. • The principal became angry and vociferous, shouting at students who tried to sneak out of the fire drill. Vociferous means A. distant. B. mild. C. loud. Page 47 in textbook. In order to protect his territory, the male loon challenges an intruder with loud cries. If the principal shouted at the students, he became loud.

32 10 vociferous Syn. – noisy, raucous, shouting, calling out
Ant. – quiet, calm, subdued, hushed

33 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 1. The chatty, slow-moving clerk at the checkout counter seemed __________ to the fact that the line of impatient customers was growing longer and longer. 2. A quiet, polite discussion may be better than a(n) _______ argument, but some people get more satisfaction out of yelling and shouting. Page 48 in textbook. Answers: 1. oblivious; 2. vociferous The next slide explains the answers.

34 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 1. The chatty, slow-moving clerk at the checkout counter seemed __________ to the fact that the line of impatient customers was growing longer and longer. oblivious The clerk seems to be unaware that the line of customers is growing. 2. A quiet, polite discussion may be better than a __________ argument, but some people get more satisfaction out of yelling and shouting. vociferous Page 48 in textbook. A quiet polite discussion is contrasted with a noisy argument.

35 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 3. In many places, the law doesn’t __________ gambling— but the officials don’t do much to stop it, either. 4. A half-hour of aerobic exercise every other day will help you stay __________. Page 48 in textbook. Answers: 3. sanction; 4. robust; 5. circumvent The next slide explains the answers. 5. People sometimes do odd things to __________ regulations. In New York, when saloons were illegal, one owner called his place “O’Neal’s Baloon.”

36 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 3. In many places, the law doesn’t __________ gambling— but the officials don’t do much to stop it, either. sanction In many places, the law doesn’t allow gambling. 4. A half-hour of aerobic exercise every other day will help you stay __________. robust Page 48 in textbook. Aerobic exercise will help you stay healthy and strong. 5. People sometimes do odd things to __________ regulations. In New York, when saloons were illegal, one owner called his place “O’Neal’s Baloon.” circumvent Calling a saloon a “baloon” was a way to go around the law.

37 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 6. If you want your essay to be _________, stick to your point. 7. Alzheimer’s disease is a disaster for the patient and a(n) _________ burden for the family. Page 48 in textbook. Answers: 6. cohesive; 7. grievous The next slide explains the answers.

38 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 6. If you want your essay to be _________, stick to your point. cohesive You have to stick to your point to make your essay unified. 7. Alzheimer’s disease is a disaster for the patient and a _________ burden for the family. grievous Page 48 in textbook. Alzheimer’s disease is a terrible burden for the family of the patient.

39 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 8. Some days we’re ________(e)d with junk —it can take an hour to delete all the unwanted messages. 9. The cutting down of the rain forests has caused a dangerous rate of _________ among species that live in those forests. Page 48 in textbook. Answers: 8. inundate; 9. attrition; 10. reticent The next slide explains the answers. 10. Some people who could benefit from counseling avoid seeing a therapist because they prefer to be _________ about private matters.

40 SENTENCE CHECK 1 Complete each item with the correct word from the box. A. attrition B. circumvent C. cohesive D. grievous E. inundate F. oblivious G. reticent H. robust I. sanction J. vociferous 8. Some days we’re ___________ with junk —it can take an hour to delete all the unwanted messages. inundated Since it takes an hour to delete the junk , they must be flooded with it. 9. The cutting down of the rain forests has caused a dangerous rate of _________ among species that live in those forests. attrition Page 48 in textbook. Cutting down the rain forests would cause a decrease in the number of species that live in those forests. 10. Some people who could benefit from counseling avoid seeing a therapist because they prefer to be _________ about private matters. reticent People who avoid counseling may be reluctant to speak about private matters.


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