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Golden Valley Unified School District

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1 Golden Valley Unified School District
2014/2015 First interim Report Golden Valley Unified School District

2 Changes Since Budget Update

3 LCFF Revenue Changes Declining enrollment in the current year.
Previously projected a 10 ADA increase per year Currently projected flat ADA – Total decrease of $415,814 over 3 years LCFF at Budget Update 2014/2015 $14,812,182 2015/2016 $15,432,029 2016/2017 $16,138,415 LCFF at First Interim 2014/2015 $14,746,816 2015/2016 $15,296,018 2016/2017 $15,923,978

4 Other Revenues Mandated Claims Revenue: $196,872 (-$1,134.69)
Carl Perkins: $2,021 increase Title III Migrant Education: $492.00 Ag Incentive Grant: -$1,807 reduction ROP Revenue funded at 75% by FCOE: $54,080 vs. $68,668 (-$14,587) EDEP Revenue increase: $10,755 Tablet insurance revenues: $2,390.65

5 Salary and Benefit Expenses
Salaries: Certificated teacher sub and additional time changes for professional development: $2,137.93 Counseling staff changes: -$5,424 EDEP Paraprofessional time adjustments for attrition: -$196 Increased hours for Webster Health Clerk: $3,066.12 District office business staffing changes: -$11,648 Benefits: Net benefit changes associated with salary changes: -$10,591

6 Other Expense Changes Decreased Ag department expenses due to decreased grant funding: -$3,614 Increased Carl Perkins expenses to match revenues: $2,021 Decreased projected fuel cost: -$2,000 Decreased ROP expenditures due to decrease in revenues Decrease does not match the decrease in revenues because salaries are fixed; required unrestricted contribution: $7,999.61 Decrease in revenues = $14,587, decrease in expenses = -$6,587.39 Decreased debt service contribution due to increased PG&E rebate received late last fiscal year; creating beginning balance in Fund 56: -$23,718.10 Decrease in flexed deferred maintenance: -$18,693.29 Equipment purchased for custodial staff from ongoing and routine maintenance Increased equipment replacement in general fund: $18,693.29

7 Multi-Year Projection

8 Multi-Year Projection
2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Beginning Balance $2,253,214 $1,693,907 $1,012,458 Revenues $16,397,370 $16,757,234 $17,385,194 Expenses $16,956,677 $17,438,683 $17,856,036 Surplus (Deficit) ($559,307) ($681,449) ($470,842) Ending Balance $541,616 Economic Reserve* 9.40% 5.30% 3.03% *Reflects available unrestricted resources See MYP handout for more detail

9 MYP Revenue Assumptions
2015/2016 LCFF revenue assumptions from the BASC/FCMAT LCFF Calculator Gap funding: 20.68% COLA (adjustment to 2020/2021 target funding: 2.190% Elimination of Federal carry-over: -$6,683.34 Elimination of ROP revenues: -$54,080 Elimination of one-time Mandate Claims payment: -$126,866 Elimination of Ag Incentive Grant carry-over: -$1,710 2016/2017 Gap funding: 25.48% COLA (adjustment to 2020/2021 target funding: 2.140%

10 2015/2016 MYP Assumptions Salary and Benefits 2.00% Step/Column
Decrease by 1 certificated FTE due to student enrollment: $64,825.42 5 additional student days (180): $285,737 Return of teacher on leave/eliminate temporary teaching staff: -$12,724 Reduction of additional time for music staff: -$3,244.74 CalSTRS Increase: $152,826 CalPERS Increase: $26,988 DO staff changes: $25,250

11 2015/2016 MYP Assumptions Other expenses
Reduction of start-up elementary music budget: -$35,000 Elimination of one-time legal settlement: -$75,000 Elimination of early retirement incentive payment: -$93,168.32 Reduction in EdCaliber start-up cost: -$3,000 Elimination of financial services: -$31,758.06 Reduction of election costs: -$14,000 Reduction of parent contribution for tablet insurance: $2,390.65

12 2016/2017 MYP Assumptions Salaries and Benefits Other Expenses
Certificated Step/Column: 1.70% Classified Step/Column: 1.60% Benefit Step/Column: 2.00% Other Expenses Increase for Election Costs: $14,000 Reduction of Early Retirement Incentive Payment: -$75,135.62

13 Minimum Reserves The state fiscal Standards and Criteria established per Education Code (a)(3) establishes criteria for school district minimum reserve that must be maintained in a three year multi-year projection. Each district must certify that it will meat the minimum reserve requirement at each budget reporting period. If it does not certify the minimum reserve: Certify as qualified or negative: county oversight and possible state oversight Minimum reserve determined by ADA GVUSD minimum reserve requirement is 3%

14 Proposition 2 – Minimum Reserves
Passed by voters in November 2014 Requires all districts to explain why reserves are higher than the minimum requirement at budget hearing Proposition 2 requires that all district maintain reserves lower that two times the required minimum reserve ONLY when the state makes a payment into the Proposition 98 reserve account. GVUSD allowable reserve under Proposition 2 is 6% The State will only make a payment into the Proposition 98 reserve account when ALL of the requirements are met: Full repayment of Prop. 98 Maintenance Factor (no money is owed to schools by the state) Capital gains taxes must be greater than 8% of state general fund revenue (has occurred 7 times in last 16 years) Prop. 98 must be calculated using Test 1 (has occurred 3 times in the last 26 years) Prop. 98 must not be suspended (has occurred 2 times in last 26 years)

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