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The Knuckleball Problem

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Presentation on theme: "The Knuckleball Problem"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Knuckleball Problem

2 Presented by: Patrick Figaro Lino Gutierrez Jacob Hedden Lan Nguyen

3 Introduction Important topics related to explaining the knuckleball
Turbulent flow vs. Laminar Flow Reynold’s Number Friction Factor and Drag force

4 Problem Statement A knuckleball is a type of baseball pitch that is thrown without any spin on the ball. The seams cause flow transitions over the spherical surface so that the baseball (diameter D=3 in) moves in an unpredictable manner in response to varying drag and lift. If the best speed to throw a knuckleball is about 85 mph, determine the Reynold’s number for transition. Compare your value to the data in chapter 9

5 Solution Given: v= 85 mph D= 3 in 85 mph 3 in.

6 Find: Assumptions: Plan: The Reynold’s number T=80°F P=1 atm
rAir= lbm/ft3 Plan: Use Fig to find viscosity Then use Re= (rvD)/m

7 Solution: Unit Conversions

8 From Fig 3.4.3

9 For a sphere,

10 Discussion:

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