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Rules for Differentiation

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Presentation on theme: "Rules for Differentiation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules for Differentiation
Chapter 3 Derivatives Section 3.3 Rules for Differentiation

2 Quick Review

3 Quick Review

4 Quick Review

5 Quick Review Solutions

6 Quick Review Solutions

7 Quick Review Solutions

8 What you’ll learn about
Power functions Sum and difference rules Product and quotient rules Negative integer powers of x Second and higher order derivatives … and why These rules help us find derivatives of functions analytically in a more efficient way.

9 Rule 1 Derivative of a Constant Function

10 Rule 2 Power Rule for Positive Integer Powers of x.

11 Rule 3 The Constant Multiple Rule

12 Rule 4 The Sum and Difference Rule

13 Example Positive Integer Powers, Multiples, Sums, and Differences

14 Example Positive Integer Powers, Multiples, Sums, and Differences

15 Rule 5 The Product Rule

16 Example Using the Product Rule

17 Rule 6 The Quotient Rule Rule 6 The Quotient Rule

18 Example Using the Quotient Rule

19 Rule 7 Power Rule for Negative Integer Powers of x

20 Example Negative Integer Powers of x

21 Second and Higher Order Derivatives

22 Second and Higher Order Derivatives

23 Quick Quiz Sections 3.1 – 3.3

24 Quick Quiz Sections 3.1 – 3.3

25 Quick Quiz Sections 3.1 – 3.3

26 Quick Quiz Sections 3.1 – 3.3

27 Quick Quiz Sections 3.1 – 3.3

28 Quick Quiz Sections 3.1 – 3.3

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