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Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Multilateral Schoolpartnership: To play or not to play with water Mathematical workshop: Water in numbers Gimnazija.

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Presentation on theme: "Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Multilateral Schoolpartnership: To play or not to play with water Mathematical workshop: Water in numbers Gimnazija."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lifelong Learning Programme Comenius Multilateral Schoolpartnership: To play or not to play with water Mathematical workshop: Water in numbers Gimnazija Matije Antuna Reljkovića, Vinkovci, Croatia

2 Task 1. 1) Study each country's monthly water bill of an average family. 2) Set a function which will help you to calculate a monthly cost of x m3 of used water. 3) Represent the function graphically. 4) Calculate how much it has to be paid for 10m3, 20m3, 30m3. 5) How much water was used if the family paid 30, 50, 100? 6) How many ice-cream balls can you buy with the money used to pay 10m3 of water?

3 Task 2. 1) Tap in your kitchen is damaged, therefore water is dripping out of it. In 5 minutes 100 ml of water go out of the damaged tap. How much water ( litres) drips out of the tap per month? 2) Calculate the percentage of rising water amount, if previous month amount was 193.51 kn (26.2 ). 3) How many ice-cream balls can you buy for that money?

4 Task 3 1) Cistern in your bathroom is not good and water leaks. For 1 minute 50 ml of water leaks. Calculate how much has leaked ( litres) for a month? 2) How much it will increase the account in percentage, if the bill for the previous month was 193.51 kunas or 26.2 ? 3) How many ice-cream balls "have leaked"?

5 Task 4. 1) In our school there are 25 classes. Every class cleans school board approximately 50 times a week. If 2 litres of water is spent for one cleaning of a school board, how many cubic meters do we spend in one month? 2) How much do we pay for spent water in one month? 3) If smart board approximately costs 1000, how many months should we stop cleaning school board, to raise enough money to buy one?

6 Task 5. How can bathers prevent wasting water? Every pair of shorts absorb about 100 ml of water more than Speedo swimming pants. Every pair of shorts absorb about 100 ml of water more than Speedo swimming pants. Calculate: Calculate: How much more water will be drained from a pool where 200 men swim every day and then go out of the pool to dry out three times a day? How much more water will be drained from a pool where 200 men swim every day and then go out of the pool to dry out three times a day? Calculate the amount of water for: Calculate the amount of water for: a week a week a month a month a season (3 months). a season (3 months). Convey the results in liters and cubic meters ! Convey the results in liters and cubic meters !

7 Task 6. 150 students completed a questionnaire about water. One question was: What do you drink at home? WATER JUICES SOFT DRINKS 150 students completed a questionnaire about water. One question was: What do you drink at home? WATER JUICES SOFT DRINKS The results of questionnaire have shown that water is being drunk by 100 of students The results of questionnaire have shown that water is being drunk by 100 of students juices - 85 students juices - 85 students soft drinks - 65 students soft drinks - 65 students water and juices - 55 students water and juices - 55 students water and soft drinks - 40 students water and soft drinks - 40 students juices and soft drinks - 30 students juices and soft drinks - 30 students How many students drink water together with juices and soft drinks? How many students drink water together with juices and soft drinks?

8 Results:

9 Task 1. BulgariaCroatiaFranceGermanyItalyLithuania 2)C(x)=xC(x)=1.31xC(x)=2.85xC(x)=5.04xC(x)=0.86xC(x)=1.77x 4) C(10) =10 C(20) =20 C(30 )=30 C(10) =13,1 C(20) =26,2 C(30 )=39,3 C(10) =28.5 C(20) =57 C(30 )=85.5 C(10) =50.4 C(20) =100.8 C(30 )=151.2 C(10) =8.6 C(20) =17.2 C(30 )=25.8 C(10) =17.7 C(20) =35.4 C(30 )=53.1 5) 30 - 30 000 l 50 - 50 000 l 100 - 100 000 l 30 - 22 900 l 50 - 38 168 l 100 - 76 336 l 30 - 10 500 l 50 - 17 540 l 100 - 35 080 l 30 - 5 990 l 50 - 9 920 l 100 - 19 840 l 30 - 34 700 l 50 - 57 900 l 100 - 115 800 l 30 - 16 940 l 50 - 28 480 l 100 - 56 500 l 6)10191467.2820.58

10 Task 1. 3) Represent the function graphically grafovi grafovi

11 6) How many ice-cream balls can you buy with the money used to pay 10m3 of water?

12 Task 2. 100 ml …….5 min. x ml ……….30 days = 43 200 min x = 0.864 m3 BulgariaCroatiaFranceGermanyItalyLithuania 1) C(0.864)=0. 864 C(0.864)=0. 864 C(0.864) = 1.13 C(0.864) = 1.13 C(0.864)=2. 46 C(0.864)=2. 46 C(0.864)=4. 36 C(0.864)=4. 36 C(0.864)= 0.5 C(0.864)= 0.5 C(0.864)=1.53 C(0.864)=1.53 2)3.27%4,3%9.4%16.64%2%5.8% 3) 0.864 ice- cream balls 1.7 ice- cream balls 1.23 ice- cream ball 6 ice-cream balls 0.5 ice- cream balls 2 ice-cream balls

13 Task 2. 3)

14 Task 3 50 ml …….1 min. x ml …… 30 days = 43 200 min. x = 2.16 m3 BulgariaCroatiaFranceGermanyItalyLithuania 1) C(2.16) = 2.16 C(2.16) = 2.16 C(2.16) = 2.83 C(2.16) = 2.83 Home work Home work C(2.16) = 10.89 C(2.16) = 10.89 Home work Home work 2)8.24%10,8%41.55% 3) 2.16 ice- cream balls 4,16 ice- cream balls 14.3 ice- cream balls

15 Task 4. 1) One class cleans the bord 4x50 = 200 times a month, 25 classes 25x 200 = 5 000 times a month. 5 000 x 2l = 10 000 l = 10 m3 BulgariaCroatiaFranceGermanyItalyLithuania 2) Home work C(10) = 26.1 Home work 3) 3 years 2 months and 9 days

16 Task 5. 100 ml = 0.1 l 100 ml = 0.1 l 200 men three times a day = 60l 200 men three times a day = 60l a week 420 l a month 1680 l a week 420 l a month 1680 l a season (3 months) 5400 l = 5,4 m3 a season (3 months) 5400 l = 5,4 m3

17 Task 6. water - 100 students juices - 85 students soft drinks - 65 students water and juices - 55 students water and soft drinks - 40 students juices and soft drinks - 30 students water, juices and soft drinks - x

18 Prepared by: Students: Tanja Šarčević, Luka Budak, Jan Dolanski, Domagoj Jelić, Marin Maršić, Borna Rapčan, Marin Tandara Teacher: Snježana Lukač

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