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Towards improved stock assessments and management

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1 Towards improved stock assessments and management
Deepwater snapper Towards improved stock assessments and management

2 Outline Background Work plan Progress to date Considerations

3 Background Deepwater snapper are an important fisheries resource in many PICTs Declines in catches in some PICTs have raised concerns about sustainability Quantitative assessments are limited by lack of adequate biological and fisheries data

4 Background At previous 3 HoF meetings, SPC members requested assistance with deepwater snapper management At 2011 HoF meeting, members endorsed SPC efforts to seek funding to support deepwater snapper project SPC obtained funding from: AusAID ( ) - Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, and the Marshall Islands French Pacific Fund ( ) - New Caledonia French Development Agency ( ) - New Caledonia

5 Deepwater snapper workshop
Deepwater snapper workshop held at SPC in July 2011 Identify priority information and training needs Participants from 12 PICTs The agreed outcomes from the workshop included a work plan for SPC’s deepwater snapper activities

6 Work Plan There are 4 priority work areas: Fisheries data collection
Improving biological knowledge Fisheries assessment and management Capacity development

7 Fisheries Data Collection
Aim is to develop a standardised approach to fisheries data collection across the Pacific region – many advantages: Facilitates the development and maintenance of a common database system, which minimises development and maintenance costs; Provides consistency in how and what data are collected and how they are analysed; and Facilitates comparisons of fisheries among countries

8 Fisheries Data Collection
Activities Support development of fisheries monitoring programs in-country (e.g. logsheets and port sampling) Utilise existing logsheets where feasible, to maintain familiarity in data reporting Otherwise utilise existing artisanal data forms Modify existing artisanal fisheries database (TUF-ART) to accommodate deepwater snapper fisheries data

9 Improving Biological Knowledge
A large number of species are captured in deepwater fisheries Generally assumed that most species are long-lived, slow growing and late to mature Limited biological information available; longevity, growth and maturity is unknown for many species

10 Improving Biological Knowledge
Activities Fisheries independent surveys Fisheries dependent collections (e.g. port sampling) Estimate longevity, growth rates, maturity schedules and spawning seasons for key species Examine genetic stock structure to identify management units

11 Fisheries assessment and management
A lack of data has prevented traditional stock assessments for deepwater snapper A long time series of precise catch and effort data is required The cost of such data collection would most likely exceed the value of deepwater fisheries in most PICTs. Is it appropriate to allocate significant resources to support stock assessments for deepwater snapper?

12 Fisheries assessment and management
Depletion experiments used to estimate Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) in 80/90’s MSY may not be most suitable reference point for deepwater snapper, because: Estimates of MSY are usually very uncertain MSY assumes that the environment does not vary Fishing at MSY levels may produce undesirable effects for deepwater snapper fisheries e.g. while catches at MSY may be sustainable, catch rates may decline to levels that are not economically viable

13 Fisheries assessment and management
Need to develop alternative management indicators and reference points for deepwater snapper Indicators need to be easy to monitor – e.g. fish size Indicators and reference points need to be integrated into a formal management framework Management Procedures (MP) is a useful framework, and is used successfully in other deepwater fisheries MPs specify the management action(s) that will be taken when indicators reach certain threshold reference points E.g reduce effort by X% when average fish size is < Ycm

14 Fisheries assessment and management
Activities Characterise deepwater snapper fisheries in each PICT to identify trends and critical data limitations Develop species distribution models and provide maps of potential habitat for the major target species Develop indicators and reference points suitable for application within a MP framework

15 Capacity development Aim to enhance capacity for deepwater snapper management and assessment in home country Opportunities for Pacific Island Fisheries Officers to complete post-graduate studies Long-term attachments to SPC to focus on developing skills in data analysis and assessment

16 Progress to date

17 Scientific Cruises Fished 24 seamounts
Cruises in Fiji, Samoa, Wallis & Futuna, and Tonga Fished 24 seamounts

18 Scientific Cruises Detailed catch and effort data from lightly exploited populations - useful baseline information for assessments Biological samples collected from 970 individuals from 16 species

19 Data collection Supporting deepwater snapper fisheries data collection programs – Tonga, Vanuatu, Samoa Implemented and supporting biological sampling – Tonga, New Caledonia (>1000 samples)

20 Capacity development AusAID funding provides support for 4 Pacific Island Fisheries Officers to complete postgraduate degrees Scholarships Vanuatu – Jeremie Kaltavara (MSc, Australian Maritime College) Samoa – Ueta Fa’asili Jr (MSc, University of Wollongong) Attachments, samples and analytical support Tonga – Hau Halafihi (PhD, University of Canterbury) Tuvalu – Etuati Poulasi (MSc, Australian Maritime College)

21 Species identification
Collaboration with Genetics lab at University of Hawaii Identified new species (Etelis marshi) previously thought to be Etelis carbunclus (ruby snapper) Etelis carbunculus Etelis marshi Etelis marshi Etelis carbunculus Etelis carbunculus Etelis marshi

22 Identification cards Waterproof species identification cards for fishers Distributed to Fiji, Marshall Islands, New Caledonia, PNG, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu

23 Considerations Heads of Fisheries are invited to:
Note progress that has been made to date Note that SPC will be providing in-country support to establish fisheries data collection programs, but Acknowledge that success of the project will be dependent on support from Fisheries Departments Consider the need for funding beyond the life of this project (2015)

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