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When did U.S. and Soviet soldiers first come face to face?

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1 When did U.S. and Soviet soldiers first come face to face?
April 1945 2. Where did U.S. and Soviet soldiers first come face to face? The Elbe river in eastern Germany 3. How did they behave with one another when they met? They were friendly – waved and some embraced

2 4. Why did tensions arise between these two allies
They had different views of the postwar world 5. What was the main purpose of the Yalta conference? To make plans for postwar Europe 6. Who were the “big Three”? Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill

3 7. What was the Yalta conference a sign of?
Hope for cooperation 8. What organization did Stalin agree to join at the Yalta conference? The United Nations 9. When was this organization founded and how many members did it have? June 1945 – 50 members 10. Who could belong to the U.N. General Assembly? All member nations had to agree to promote peace, security and international cooperation

4 11. How many members belonged to the U.N. Security Council?
12. Who are the Permanent members of the Security Council U.S.- Great Britain- France-China-Soviet Union (now Russia)

5 13. Why did the Soviet Union want to create a sphere of friendly countries near their border?
They wanted to create a buffer zone against invasion from the west 14. What did the Soviets do in an attempt to achieve a Communist Utopia? They set out to reorganize the economies of neighboring countries

6 15. What did the U.S. do to insure that democratic capitalism prevailed over socialism?
They required the free flow of global trade with access to resources and markets for goods

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