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Physical Science: Chapter 13 Section 4

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1 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Section 4
Energy Transformations

2 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that _______ ______________________________________________________________. ….However, it CAN change from ________________________ _____________.

3 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
GPE to KE One of the most common transfers is from ______to _____

4 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
KE to GPE But, you can also transfer ____to _____

5 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
Energy Transfers Bouncing balls constantly transfer _____to ____ and then ___to ______.

6 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
Energy Transfers But, each time you can see bouncing balls don’t bounce as _______; they “______” some ______ with each bounce.

7 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
Energy Transfers Where does the “lost” energy go? Into other ___________ _____________.

8 PE to KE to PE …...

9 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
Energy Transfers Some of the __________________energy of the coaster (_______& _____) is changed to ______ ________________.

10 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
Energy Transfers Most of the __________________ energy is “lost” as ________through __________.

11 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
Energy “Chains” The law of conservation of energy says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can change forms. We should be able to follow the ___________of (changes in) energy.

12 Physical Science: Chapter 13 Energy Transformations
First Law of Thermodynamics states that the change in ___________in a system is equal to the amount of ________done and amount of _______created.

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