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HW2: A prime path generator (Due Oct 6th 23:59)

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1 HW2: A prime path generator (Due Oct 6th 23:59)
Write a program that will compute all prime paths in a graph, then derive test paths to tour the prime paths in C (say prime_path.c) You will apply various analysis tools to prime_path.c. So, complex statements are not recommended No dynamic memory allocation No pointer arithmetic and minimal pointer operations You have to write down the program in a modular fashion, so that you can analyze prime_path.c unit by unit Input format All nodes are named as 1, 2… Each line contains one edge First line contains a set of initial nodes Second line contains a set of final nodes Ex: 1 2 5 1 3 2 5 3 5 3 6 6 1 1 2 2 5 3 6 5

2 Draw control flow graphs of your modules in prime_path.c
Generate all prime paths of the modules in prime_path.c Create test paths to tour all the prime paths of the modules Create test cases to execute the test paths at Step 4 - side trip/detour might be ok, if you cannot find test cases to tour all the prime paths Also, report the statement and branch coverage by using gcov Note. Submit both hardcopy and softcopy to the TA ( )

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