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The Unexpected Benefits of Climate Action

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1 The Unexpected Benefits of Climate Action
GCSP 25th January 2019 John Moorhead Drawdown Switzerland

2 What Climate Action?

3 Why climate action to stay within 1.5 degrees C warming?
To avoid tipping points into Hothouse Earth 5 plans that it can be done Project Drawdown (2017) Exponential Climate Action Road Map (2018) The Solutions Project (2017) The One Earth Climate Model (2018) IPCC 1.5 degrees C (2018) Unexpected Benefits

4 Project Drawdown Over 60 researchers map, measure and model the most substantive solutions to reverse global warming 100 Solutions that avoid, reduce and sequester greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions 80 Solutions that are modelled in terms of GHG emissions, net savings and net costs Achieve Drawdown by : When atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations go down on a year to year basis

5 Exponential Climate Action Road Map
Halve GHG emissions by 2030 in: 1) Energy Supply, 2) Industry, 3) Buildings, 4) Transport, 5) Food Consumption and 6) Agriculture & Forestry Exponential growth of 62 Drawdown and 14 Future Earth climate solutions that avoid and reduce GHG

6 The Solutions Project 100% wind, water and solar (WWS) for all purposes (electricity, transportation, heating/cooling, industry) by 2050 Researched by a team of over 85 over 10 years 2017 paper by Jacobson et al. Focused on fossil fuels substitution by renewable energy and hydrogen and to “electrify everything”

7 One Earth Climate Model
Teske et al. (2018) 1) 100% renewable energy 2) protection and restoration of 50% of the world’s lands and oceans 3) transition to regenerative agriculture, all by 2050. 

8 IPCC 1.5 degrees C

9 What are the unexpected benefits?

10 Human Rights & SDGs (Project Drawdown)
Rights of Indigenous Peoples Gender Equality Right to Education

11 Financial Drawdown saves $74.4 trillion at a cost of $29.6 trillion investment (Project Drawdown) Solar Farms $5.02 Trillion $ Billion # 8 Regenerative Agriculture $1.93 Trillion $57.22 Billion #11 “Stabilization of energy prices, save 85$/person/year in energy costs” (The Solutions Project) “Annual savings of $28.5 trillion in health and climate costs” (The Solutions Project)

12 Economy Renewables, plant-based foods, sustainable agriculture, “electrify everything”, digital services Exponential Growth industries (Exponential Climate Action Road Map)

13 Social Net increase of over 24 million long-term jobs (The Solutions Project) An annual decrease in 4-7 million air pollution deaths per year (The Solutions Project) “…30 million people currently working in the energy sector with permanent, well- paying jobs and creating an additional 12 million new jobs” (One Earth Climate Model) increase access to distributed energy by up to 4 billion people (The Solutions Project)

14 Thank you!

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