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Answer in at least 3 complete sentences.

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1 Answer in at least 3 complete sentences.
Bell Ringer! Answer in at least 3 complete sentences. What were important memories in Poe’s life? Think specifically about his relationships.

2 Unit Objective Students will explore how an author may use symbolism and allegory to convey the theme.

3 Daily Objective TLW assess how the theme of the text is developed through the author’s use of rhythm and repetition.

4 Guiding Question Is death inevitable?
How does the author use structure to help develop the theme?

5 Think about this… Using two sticky notes, add to the cluster diagrams on the wall by writing what you think of when you think of “LOSS” and “EMOTIONS THAT GO WITH LOSS.” Place your sticky notes under their appropriate heading on the board.

6 Annabel Lee By Edgar Allan Poe

7 Annotate Annotate the poem for words you don’t know. Circle them.

8 Turn and talk… What did you notice the first time you read this?
Make notes on the back of your poem! What did you notice the first time you read this? Think about literary devices like repetition, rhyme, diction (word choice), symbolism, tone. What/who do you think this poem is about? What do you know about the narrator so far?

9 Let’s start with vocabulary…
Based on context clues, what do you think “seryphs” are? Based on context clues, what do you think dissever means?

10 Let’s Discuss… How do the opining lines of the poem evoke a “fairy-tale” tone?

11 Let’s Discuss… Knowing who he wrote this for, who do you think Annabel Lee is?

12 Let’s Discuss… What do you think he means by “But we loved with a love that was more than love” ? What tone does this set in the poem?

13 Let’s Discuss… In line 15, what might the “wind” represent in Poe’s life? What is “wind” a symbol of?

14 Let’s Pause… Thinking about “Masque of the Red Death” and “The Black Cat,” how is “Annabel Lee” different from those and how is it similar?


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