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Discussion In groups decide on a definition of: ARCHITECTURE

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1 Discussion In groups decide on a definition of: ARCHITECTURE
5 minutes Discussion In groups decide on a definition of: ARCHITECTURE Write this in the back of your sketchbook.

2 Architectural Ceramics

3 Learning Objectives You will: What I’m looking for…
Learn about Delaunay’s Cubist work Learn about abstraction through overlapping images Develop your ability in line drawing Develop your ability to make abstract work by overlapping images Practise your ability to produce analysis pages Develop your knowledge of Delaunay’s work What I’m looking for… The overlapping image should show abstract and architectural elements with some accuracy of form. The analysis page should include relevant images and show thoughtful consideration of Delaunay’s work.

4 Robert Delaunay Key Words Cubism Abstraction Overlapping Simultaneity
5 minutes What do you see? Key Words Cubism Abstraction Overlapping Simultaneity

5 Watch a teacher demonstration to see how to produce an overlapping abstract dome and skyline image.

6 Check which colour sticker you have on your progression sheet:
20 minutes Check which colour sticker you have on your progression sheet: Go to the area in the classroom where you see that colour chart and select one of the skylines or domes. Go back to your place and draw the image so that it fills your sketchbook page. Draw using a dark pencil crayon and use weight of line to suggest depth. 6

7 20 minutes Swap your image so you have an image of the other type so that your overlapping drawing has both a skyline and a dome. Now copy the second image over the top of the first using a different coloured pencil crayon.

8 PREP.WORK Produce an analysis page on the Cubist
architectural paintings of Delaunay: 1) Access the Art and Design department VLE homepage. 2) Choose one of the ‘influence page’ pro-forma’s to use (you can adapt this but must keep all the required components) 3) Complete all sections: information, opinion, analysis, images. 4) Produce a small colour copy of one of his architectural paintings using pencil crayon.

9 5 minutes Turn to the back of your sketchbook and thinking about the learning objectives from the start of the lesson, tick each statement that you feel confident you have learnt. Now at the right-hand side, write down one specific thing that you have learnt today that you didn’t know before. Learning Objectives You will: Learn about Delaunay’s Cubist work Learn about abstraction through overlapping images Develop your ability in line drawing Develop your ability to make abstract work by overlapping images Practise your ability to produce analysis pages Develop your knowledge of Delaunay’s work

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