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Presentation on theme: "U. S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: The U. S"— Presentation transcript:

1 3. 12. 19. U. S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: 1789 - The U. S
U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: The U.S. Post Office was established U.S. President FDR presented his first presidential address to the nation. It was the first of the "Fireside Chats.“ U.S. President Truman established the "Truman Doctrine" to help Greece and Turkey resist Communism The U.S. House joined the U.S. Senate in approving the statehood of Hawaii The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. began arms control talks in Geneva Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic became members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). All three countries were members of the former Warsaw Pact The U.S. Air Force announced that it would resume reconnaissance flights off the coast of North Korea Cooper William Forster was born. BELL WORK: #3 (11:00) PICK-UP THE AMERICAN DREAM IN THE FIFTIES. COMPLETE ACTIVE READING: 1. READ PASSAGE. 2. UNDERLINE IMPORTANT INFORMATION/TERMS/ NAMES. 3. CIRCLE UNFAMILIAR INFORMATION/TERMS/ NAMES. 4. ASK QUESTIONS IN MARGINS, SPACE BELOW OR BACK ABOUT CIRCLED ITEMS. AGENDA: DISCUSS THE EISENHOWER ERA. COMPLETE & DISCUSS AMERICA IN THE 1950s ACTIVITY 6.5. COMPLETE 1950s DBQs. COMPLETE EXIT TICKET. HOMEWORK: VIDEO 6.6 & CORNELL NOTES. UNIT 6 VOCABULARY

2 Exit Ticket/Objective 6.5 Assessment
In 1952 (1)_____ or Ike as he was known was elected along with Richard Nixon as his vice president. One of Eisenhower’s legacies was the building of the (2)_____ system consisting of over 41,000 miles of highways. The 1950s was a boom time for American business. Americans saw their jobs shift from (3)____, industrial, manual labor jobs to (4)____ or professional jobs. During the1950s we also saw a loss in (5)_____ jobs across America. One of the most successful types of businesses in the 1950s were the (6)____ like McDonald’s where standardized options would be offered at multiple locations.

3 Exit Ticket/Objective 6.5 Assessment
At this time (7)_____ became the desired trait of the working man. Post-war America was also experiencing a (8)_____ which produced the largest generation of Americans in U.S. history. The 1950s also saw the glorification of the woman as a (9)_____ and mother, especially on TV and in magazines. Suburban mothers were aided with raising children by (10)____ and his book. While millions of Americans were helped in the 1950s when (11)____ created a vaccine for polio, which had previously crippled millions of Americans.

4 Exit Ticket/Objective 6.5 Assessment
Based on what you have learned,? Be sure to provide: C (claim, restate question with opinion) E (two pieces of supporting evidence) R (reasoning, explain evidence)

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