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Classification of learning activities

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1 Classification of learning activities
ETS WG, 31 January-2 February 2005 Agenda Item 16 document 2005-ETS EN

2 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Context 2001 Eurostat TFMLLL report: There certainly seems to be a need for the development of specific Classifications of non-formal and informal learrning activities. This would make it possible to cover the whole range of learning using the ESS sources. 2002 Decision by the Directors of Social Statistics to give the green light for the development of Adult Education Statistics (and Survey). 2003 The UN Expert Group on International Economic and Social Classifications (meeting in New York on 8-10 December 2003) on Educational classifications recommended that: … the classification and reporting of non-traditional educational and/or recreational and life-long learning activities should be addressed and solved. The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), Eurostat and ILO should be involved in this task. Education and Training Statistics Working Group

3 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Progress Project launched by Eurostat in December 2002 1st draft developed with the assistance of the TF AES (Task Group on classifications) presented to the ETS WG in January 2004 Collection of cases for testing (November 2004) Revised draft submitted to testing in December 2004 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

4 Learning Random Learning Informal learning Formal education Non formal
Family, socially or self-directed Media and communication Education and Training Statistics Working Group

5 Learning activity (scope of CLA) Single Learning Activity
Key concepts (Lifelong) learning Learning activity (scope of CLA) Single Learning Activity Education and Training Statistics Working Group

6 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
(Lifelong) learning EU definition: Lifelong learning encompasses all activity undertaken with the aim of learning Learning=improvement in knowledge, skills and competence, within a personal, civic, social and or employment related perspective ISCED97: Learning=improvement in behaviour, information, knowledge, understanding, attitude, value or skills Education and Training Statistics Working Group

7 Learning activity (scope of CLA)
Learning Activities = any activities of an individual organised with the intention to improve his/her knowledge, skills and competence Intentional learning = a deliberate search for knowledge, skills, competences or attitudes (Intention formulated before starting the activity (by learner or other) Organised learning = planned in a pattern or sequence with explicit or implicit aims. Predeterminated learning guidelines (subject, method, duration, evaluation of goals). Intentional learning will always have an organised action and a subject to learn. Education and Training Statistics Working Group

8 Scope of CLA Random Learning Informal learning Formal education
Non formal education Family, socially or self-directed Media and communication Education and Training Statistics Working Group

9 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Decision chart Activity Intention to learn YES Institutionalised YES NO included in NFQ NO YES NO not learning Informal learning Non-formal educ. Formal educ. Education and Training Statistics Working Group

10 Single Learning Activity
SLA is a learning activity which is characterised by unity of method and subject” (Method in the sense of organisational arrangement) The SLA is the basic theoretical building block with which all learning activities can be captured and described. Education and Training Statistics Working Group

11 Single Learning Activity
Education and Training Statistics Working Group

12 Individual learning map
Education and Training Statistics Working Group

13 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
CLA testing Main focus: implementation of the decision flow chart 90 cases proposed 22 replies received Proposed classification of cases by Eurostat in document ETS-16.02 Education and Training Statistics Working Group

14 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
informal Education and Training Statistics Working Group

15 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
non formal Education and Training Statistics Working Group

16 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
formal Education and Training Statistics Working Group

17 Some questions and answers
1 Should the NFQ exist already in the country? No 2 Participation vs exams? Exams are not a learning activity 3 Is formal training (provider: employer) in NFQ? Activity in NFQ if designed to lead to NFQ 4 Intention vs interest? Only intention counts: for Formal and non formal the intention fo the programme for informal the intention of the participant 5 Modules /credits? NFQ qualification in the design of the activity 6-7 Is a teacher an “institution”? Yes if there is professional teacher to student relationship. 8-9 What are the limits between information and learning (duration/intention)? No duration limit for classification –possible for surveys? Education and Training Statistics Working Group

18 Some questions and answers
10 Several activities? Hierarchy “Formal”> “non-formal” >“informal” 11 Learning centers: institutionalised learning or not? No. Knowledge infrastructure is institutionalised but not learning 12 What is the category of distance courses Any category – Apply criteria 13 Practicing sports vs learning? Learning: when focus on rules and techniques of participation and skill building 15 Visiting a trade fair be considered a learning activity? According to present CLA yes 16 Separate seminars and workshops from conferences and congresses? The first more “educational” the second more “informational” 17 “Equivalence” and NFQ? If only “equivalence” is required then degree in NFQ. Education and Training Statistics Working Group

19 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
The ETS WG is invited to - take note of the results of the testing - comment on the final Classification of the cases proposed by Eurostat - comment on the answers given by Eurostat to the questions raised during the CLA testing - send further comments on the CLA, by so that Eurostat can finalise the classification by The final version will then be submitted by Eurosat for international consultation (involving at least UIS and ILO) Education and Training Statistics Working Group

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