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31-3 Answers.

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1 31-3 Answers

2 1. Define Fascism.

3 1. Define Fascism. … militant, political movement that emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader

4 2. Why was Italy disappointed with the Paris Peace Conference?

5 2. Why was Italy disappointed with the Paris Peace Conference?
… failure to win large territorial gains

6 3. Who founded the Fascist Party in Italy in 1919?

7 3. Who founded the Fascist Party in Italy in 1919?
… Benito Mussolini

8 4. Mussolini was known as “Il Duce.” What does that mean?

9 4. Mussolini was known as “Il Duce.” What does that mean?
… the leader

10 5. What is the National Socialist German Workers’ Party more commonly known as?

11 5. What is the National Socialist German Workers’ Party more commonly known as?
… Nazi Party

12 6. Hitler was known as “der Furher.” What does that mean?

13 6. Hitler was known as “der Furher.” What does that mean?
… the leader

14 7. What happened to Hitler in 1923?

15 7. What happened to Hitler in 1923?
… arrested/ jailed for treason

16 8. Who named Hitler chancellor in 1933?

17 8. Who named Hitler chancellor in 1933?
… President von Hindenburg

18 9. Who were the Gestapo in Germany?

19 9. Who were the Gestapo in Germany?
… Nazi secret police

20 10. What groups were German schoolchildren required to join?

21 10. What groups were German schoolchildren required to join?
…Boys = Hitler Youth Girls = League of German Girls (Maidens)

22 11. By 1935, what was the only democracy in eastern Europe?

23 11. By 1935, what was the only democracy in eastern Europe?
… Czechoslovakia

24 12. Define appeasement.

25 12. Define appeasement. “Giving in to an aggressor to keep peace”

26 13. What countries were known as the Axis Powers?

27 13. What countries were known as the Axis Powers?
Japan, and Germany and Italy [Rome-Berlin Axis]

28 14. What does Third Reich mean?

29 14. What does Third Reich mean?
German Empire under Hitler 1st Reich = Holy Roman Empire 2nd Reich = German Monarchy ( )

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