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Annual Meeting September 14, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Meeting September 14, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Meeting September 14, 2018
Cohort 1 Site Presentations (Reminder: each cohort 1 site will have 10 min to present and a few minutes to respond to questions) Annual Meeting September 14, 2018

2 Partnership Introductions
Please include your Clinic Name, Description, Location, Team Members CBO Name, Description, Location, and Team Members

3 Vision Statement Paste your vision statement here

4 Innovation Please include a high level description of your enhancement to collaborative care

5 Workflow Please include a high level description of your workflow
Tell the story of how a patient would experience your workflow Include key parts of workflow that have been/are expected to be the most challenging Include ideas on how to overcome challenges Include a successful patient story (optional)

6 Sustainability/Scalability
Please include a high level description of your plan for sustainability and possible scalability Goals/plans at the end of the three-year grant period to continue the intervention when the grant funding has concluded Possible plans for scaling up to other clinic sites

7 Partnership Name: Success Story
Share a story of a successful patient experience with your workflow

8 Questions and Answers

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