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Youth Governance Jennifer Raven, Jacob Roberts-Mensah and Philip Flood Sound Connections and Wired4Music.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Governance Jennifer Raven, Jacob Roberts-Mensah and Philip Flood Sound Connections and Wired4Music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Governance Jennifer Raven, Jacob Roberts-Mensah and Philip Flood Sound Connections and Wired4Music

2 The plan Youth voice theory and context Practical tips – getting started with young trustees Group discussion and problem-solving

3 Youth Voice: a human right

4 Article 12 – Respecting views
“Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. This right applies at all times, for example during immigration proceedings, housing decisions or the child’s day-to-day home life.” Article 5 – Allowing choice “Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents and carers to provide guidance and direction to their child as they grow up, so that they fully enjoy their rights. This must be done in a way that recognises the child’s increasing capacity to make their own choices.”

5 Youth Voice & Participation is…
Listening, dialogue, being open, responsive Co-producing and collaborating Involves facilitating, mentoring and supporting Working with young people on an equal playing field, as equal partners – sharing power and decision making Giving choice Be very aware of hierarchy and power dynamics Challenging ego Not handing over power altogether

6 Challenging Circumstances


8 Sound Connections Six Categories of Youth Participation

9 Youth Consultation Hearing experiences, ideas and opinions through things like surveys, focus groups and creative activities.

10 Youth Action and Advocacy
Young people campaigning, debating and engaging in social action.

11 Young Producers Young people designing and creating their own projects and events, usually with facilitation and support from staff.

12 Youth Enterprise Young people developing professional skills, often through their own business and project ideas.

13 Peer Leadership Young people supporting and mentoring one another.

14 Youth voice within formal teaching
Young people having choice within, and making decisions about, the ways in which they learn, eg within one-to-one lessons, ensemble or the classroom.

15 Youth Governance Young people active within strategic decision-making roles, eg young trustees.

16 Embedding youth voice & participation
1. Inform 2. Ask 3. Respond 4. Embed Embedding youth voice & participation Equip you and your team with understanding, knowledge, skills Consult with young people – formal & informal Respond to needs by co-producing with young people Embed within the organisation through Youth Governance

17 How is youth voice part of your work?
5 minutes to discuss youth voice within your Hub/organisation: What are you already doing? What would you like to do?

18 Youth Governance at Sound Connections
How do we involve young people in decision-making at Sound Connections?

19 Wired4Music trustee perspective
Look out for: Imposter syndrome Misconceptions – representing all young people Tokenism What worked: Trustee buddies Connecting with other trustees Task and finish groups meetings; support in between/around meetings We are still early days

20 Planning ahead Why is this work important/what are the benefits?
What are the potential challenges/barriers? What support do you need as Hubs to help implement and embed youth voice? This might be from each other, from Sound Connections, from Music Mark, from ACE etc.

21 Thank you! Get in touch:

22 Sliding scale of co-production
YP ownership/decision-making Staff ownership/decision-making YP ownership/decision-making Staff ownership/decision-making YP ownership/decision-making Staff ownership/decision-making The ratio changes based upon various factors, eg: age, situation, level of trust, level of YP confidence etc

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