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Let’s Think Secondary Science Lesson 5 – The Word is ………?

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Think Secondary Science Lesson 5 – The Word is ………?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Think Secondary Science Lesson 5 – The Word is ………?
Variables, relationships, graphs and proving.

2 Think up a sentences using the words: Input Relationship Output.
If the students have difficulty then use the illustration 4_washing _powder from lesson 4.

3 Who can tell the class something about the toy called Marble Run?
Target Ruler What will happen when the Marble is released? Bullet 2 - choose a typically unexpected result for the combination for Marble and Target. Ask the students for their thoughts. You may want to do this as a “Think, pair and share activity.” Release the Marble and discuss the predictions against the result.

4 Variables? Values? Relationships?
Marble Run Variables? Values? Relationships? Marble Target Watch your teacher. What have they proved? Provide a variety of balls in a clear plastic bag for the class to see. Bullet 1 – Variables will include relevant and irrelevant (colour of ball) but accept all suggestions. Reinforce input and output variables. Bullet 4 – Demo an unproven and correct relationships and do not record the results. Bullet 5 – Try out a few examples that are unexpected for the combination of Marble and Target. Try a “Think pair, share activity” to discuss their predictions versus result. Draw a sketch graph of the results. Can the relationship predict the distance travelled by the target for other heights? Bullet 6 – When a group is ready move to the next slide. Think of a possible relationship and plan an activity to prove it.

5 Marble Run Record the results in a table. Marble
Plot a sketch graph of target ball distance against height. Marble Target Bullet Set 1 – With a group’s idea, collect the results in a two column table. Bullet 2 – Draw a sketch graph of the results. Note the counter intuitive axis labels. Bullet 3 – Can the relationship predict the distance travelled by the target for other heights? Can the graph be used to predict other results? Test them. Does this prove the relationship?

6 Review Are all variables of the same importance for proving a relationship? Give examples. A fair test is often described as “Changing one variable and keeping everything else the same.” Is this a good explanation? Why? How was Marble Run similar or different to lesson 4, Musical Tubes? Bullet 3 – bridging to a previous lesson.

7 Marble Run - Relationships
Give out the set of illustrations, but ensure there is sufficient time for the final task below. Ask the pupils to reflect back upon the LTSS lessons completed so far and what they have learnt (science concepts, language, collecting results, graphicacy, thinking strategies, group working). A collection of the previous work cards could aid the students’ memories.

8 End

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