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The Acts of the Apostles

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1 The Acts of the Apostles
Hear These Words Acts 2 Sunday, May 8, 2016 Many of the slides used in this presentation are prepared by Joe Price and are used and adapted with his permission.

2 Acts 2: Pentecost 50 days after the Passover (death of Jesus)
Always first day of the week, Leviticus 23:15-16 On this particular Pentecost: Apostles are baptized with the Holy Spirit – cf. John 12-13; Acts 1:5 Empowered to be infallible eyewitnesses Christ’s commission to preach gospel began The church of Christ is established

3 Holy Spirit Baptism, 2:1-4 (1:8) Heaven’s Power to Speak
Three manifestations, Acts 2:2-3 Sound: Like a rushing wind Sight: Divided tongues on each man Language: Spoke at the Spirit’s direction

4 Holy Spirit Baptism, Acts 2:1-4 Heaven’s Power to Speak
The reaction, Acts 2:5-13 Drew a crowd, 2:5-6 Needed to hear the gospel (1:8) Amazed, confused, wondering, 2:6-12 Hearts prepared to listen Accused of drunkenness, 2:13 Some always pervert the evidence for truth and accuse the righteous

5 Holy Spirit Baptism, Acts 2:1-4 Heaven’s Power to Speak
Inspired explanation of this event, Acts 2:14-21 Fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy, 2:16; Joel 2:28-32 Divine presence and message, 2:17-18 Divine confirmation and judgment, 2:19-20 Divine offer of salvation, 2:21

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