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Mrs. Ruff’s Classroom Newsletter

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1 Mrs. Ruff’s Classroom Newsletter
February Mrs. Ruff’s Classroom Newsletter Parent Teacher Conferences: March 24th: For AM Preschool March 27th: For PM Preschool in the afternoon Child find will be Monday, March 6th from 2:00-3:30. Everything is also posted on school website. Under the Mrs. Ruff tab This month we learned about: Community Helpers/Letter Uu/ Review of alphabet Valentines/Letter Vv/ Review of addresses for older class and spelling of name for younger class Ocean/Letter Ww/ Sorting by different sizes Please work on letters, numbers, colors, shapes, patterns, cutting and having your child write their name at home.  March 6th: AM Preschool ONLY/ Child find in the afternoon from 2:00 to 3:30. March 9th: PM Preschool in the morning, no morning preschool March 24th: No Preschool both classes (AM parent teacher conferences) March 27th No Preschool both classes (PM) Preschool parent teacher conferences in the (PM)

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