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Rien Visser, Virginia Tech

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1 Rien Visser, Virginia Tech
Cable Yarding How it works…. Rien Visser, Virginia Tech

2 Problem: Extraction of trees on steep terrain
stems waterway

3 - suspend wire rope across the slope (skyline)

4 Right hand ordinary lay
Wire Rope (cable) Function: provides the elements of a rigging system to pull the stems from the forest to the landing Right hand ordinary lay 6 x 19 Strand Steel Core

5 - Suspend cable from tailtree (or tailhold) and a yarder
skyline stems

6 Yarder Types Yarders Mobile Stationary Independent Steel tower/spar,
wooden tower/spar, steel lattice work. Integral Swing Steel lattice work. Excavator type yarder. Integral Steel tube or steel lattice work. Either vertical or leaning.

7 Tower Function: Keeps the cable off the ground and provides lift to the stems, especially near the landing Independent or integrated Small (30ft), medium (60ft), large (90ft) Wooden spar, steel tower or lattice tower One-piece, folding or telescoping

8 Carrier Function: support yarder equipment and allows transportation
Tracked, tires or skid Self-propelled, towed or carried/pulled Mounting for power-train

9 - add a carriage, mainline and drums
drums (winches) tailhold yarder skyline mainline and carriage stems

10 Carriages Function: runs on the skyline to get the chokers out to the cut-over and the logs back to the landing simple single or double sheaves (blocks) slack-pulling capabilities hand, mechanical or motorized

11 Winches (drums) / Brakes Function: transfers the power from the power-train to the cables to do the work Mechanical or hydraulic winches Water or air cooled brakes Drum stores the cable 1 – 5 working winches on a yarder

12 - add chokers, choker-setter and operator
tailhold yarder skyline mainline and carriage stems choker -setter

13 Cab / Controls Function: to safely ‘house’ the operator and control the operation of the yarder
Houses the operator protection from external environment clear vision of operating area Controls the yarder ‘Old/simple’: Mechanical levers ‘New/modern’: Electronic switches and hydraulic levers

14 - complete system, ready to work…..
operator tailhold yarder skyline mainline and carriage stems choker-setter

15 - how does it work….. stems operator tailhold skyline yarder

16 - let carriage out….. stems operator tailhold skyline yarder

17 - stop carriage above stems…..
operator tailhold yarder skyline stems choker-setter

18 - choker-setter hooks up the stems…..
operator tailhold yarder skyline choker-setter

19 - choker setter moves away…..
operator tailhold yarder skyline choker-setter

20 - operator raises the stems…..
tailhold yarder skyline choker-setter

21 - pulls towards landing…..
operator tailhold yarder skyline choker-setter

22 - drop stems on landing…..and starts over again….
skyline tailhold yarder choker-setter operator

23 Yarder on the landing

24 Yarder on Roadside Limited stacking area
Bell-logger or crane mounted on yarder Self-loading trucks on regular schedule

25 Effective yarder operation
Its one thing to run one, another to operate it effectively….

26 Three D’s of productive cable logging
‘D’eflection More deflection: – more payload – same cable tension skyline tailhold yarder choker-setter operator

27 Planning !!!!

28 Landing Layout Cable layout Machinery layout direction of pull
guyline location and anchoring Machinery layout yarder location on the landing other machinery on the landing location of timber stacks processing area loading out area

29 Felling pattern ‘Headpulls’ reduces productivity by 15%
Fell trees at an angle to the skyline = 30 + slope (degree) 20 degree slope - fell at 50 degrees 40 degree slope – fell at 70 degrees Skyline Felling direction Yarder

30 Yarder Business Management – Daily production chart
Target Average

31 Number of Chokers? More chokers means: greater ave drag volume
more tangled strops increased risk of overloading Max Min

32 Human Performance ? Direct and significant influence on:
System implementation and use Machine productivity Mechanical and operational delays Innovation

33 Learn-Curve Effect Takes a new employee about 3 months to get to ‘100%’ Training helps – also increases potential Basic cost of new employee estimated at $ $7500

34 Value of human performance?
Yarder operator = $12 / hr Yarder costs = $110 / hr Timber Value = $1,000 / hr

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