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Welcome To The Amazing World of Industry 4.0

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1 Welcome To The Amazing World of Industry 4.0
Beachborough Inspiration for Innovation Event Welcome To The Amazing World of Industry 4.0 KEY INFORMATION: Date: Thursday 7th February 2019 Event Time: am pm Career Speed Network Event Time: 2.10pm pm Arrival Time: 1.45pm to allow for briefing Departure Time: pm, although you are welcome to stay and observe the closing speech by Roz Bird, Commercial Director MPEC. Location: Beachborough School, Westbury, Nr. Brackley, Northamptonshire, NN13 5LB Schedule: Inspirational speeches from our VIP guest speakers, interactive activity sessions and a career speed networking event. Invitation to participate in the Career Speed Networking Gaia Innovation Ltd and Beachborough Prep School would like to cordially invite you to participate in this inspirational event on the 7th February This event has been designed to inspire and inform students about jobs of the future and specifically about careers in technology, engineering and design. Through engaging with ‘real model’ employers they will gain a greater understanding of ‘real life’ applications. They will also learn how useful personal and social skills are, along with Science, Computer Science, Art, Design Technology, English and Maths at GCSE, for accessing a 21st century career. “It’s really important to get the message out there to pupils. Meeting role models in engineering and computer science is really good. I was impressed with the amount of engagement between the professionals and students, and there was a lot of listening. I really hope we got through to some of them! The Career Speed Networking Event was excellent. Hopefully, we inspired the pupils to go home and investigate further careers in engineering and computer science.” - Nicola Gough, Head of Department, Closures Engineering at Bentley Motors. Nicola attended a Gaia Innovation event held at King Edward VII School, 29th June 2018 celebrating Women in Engineering day. Thank you for your support in making this a transformative experience that will leave a lasting impression on these students

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