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Unit 1 Ecological Studies.

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1 Unit 1 Ecological Studies

2 IN Pg. 4 (25pts) Remember Questions are Written in Red Ink and you must write the word IN above the question. Where is Mr. Ossana From? Answer in Blue ink, Black ink or Pencil – I would use pencil. Not a lot of questions today I have a lot to cover. I am also going to do a seating chart this weekend and I am watching very closely today to figure out where to put people.

3 Answer Slide Where is Mr. Ossana From?
Answer: S.E. Kansas Farm country – Pittsburg Kansas. Now skip a line and write “Do It Now.”

4 Do It Now Pg. 4 (25pts) Where did Mr. Ossana go to College? Hint See back wall or the three blocks on the front of Mr. Ossana’s sink? (Remember Question in Red ink.) Answer in blue, black or pencil.

5 Answer slide Where did Mr. Ossana go to College? Hint See back wall or the three blocks on the front of Mr. Ossana’s sink? (Remember Question in Red ink.) Answer: PSU which means Pittsburg State University.

6 Fun Facts about Science
Instead of bones, sharks have a skeleton made from cartilage. The blue whale can produce the loudest sound of any animal. At 188 decibels, the noise can be detected over 800 kilometers away. Horses and cows sleep while standing up. Giant Arctic jellyfish have tentacles that can reach over 36 metres in length. Locusts have leg muscles that are about 1000 times more powerful than an equal weight of human muscle.

7 Cornell Notes (Types of Graphs) Pg. 5
Put the words types of graphs at the top of the page in any color you want to. Along the left side draw a line down the page. Write question on the at top of the left column and answer on the right column.

8 What are Types of Graphs?
Graphs are pictures or visual representations of the data in a data table. Each type of graph has a specific purpose

9 What is a Line graph? This type of graph has data points connected by a line. These graphs are a great way to show how the dependent variable changes in response to the independent variable.

10 What is a Bar graph? This type of graph compares different things that are NOT part of a whole. They allow for an easy visual comparison of similar catagories.

11 What is a Circle graph? This type of graph shows parts of a whole.
These are used to compare things that are different components or parts of the SAME thing. The parts of this type of graph are often percentages.

12 What are Scatter Plot Graphs?
This type of graph also has data points. However, they are not connected because they do not form a line. Instead, they show a trend and allow for predictions of what will happen. If a line is drawn, it is a “Best Fit” line.

13 Summary in Green Draw a line at the end of your notes and write a summary in green ink. Summary must be a reflection of what we discussed and must be at least 5 complete sentences.

14 Thru 1: pg 9 Types of Graphs Foldable.
Cut along the dotted lines and fold up the flaps. Cut out the descriptions and pictures and match them to the correct type of graph. Tape or glue them on the correct area of the foldable.

15 Do it again pg. 4 (25pts) What is a Circle graph? Answer in Blue Black or Pencil.

16 Answer slide What is a Circle graph?
This type of graph shows parts of a whole.

17 Out Pg. 5 (25 pts) What are Scatter Plot Graphs? Answer in blue ink black ink or pencil.

18 What are Scatter Plot Graphs?
Answer slide What are Scatter Plot Graphs? This type of graph also has data points. However, they are not connected because they do not form a line. Instead, they show a trend and allow for predictions of what will happen.

19 In Pg. 10 (25pts) What is a Line graph?
Answer in Blue ink, black ink or pencil.

20 Answer slide What is a Line graph?
This type of graph has data points connected by a line.

21 Do it Now (25pts) Pg. 10 What is a Bar graph?
Answer in Blue Ink, Black Ink or Pencil.

22 Answer slide What is a Bar graph?
This type of graph compares different things that are NOT part of a whole.

23 Fun Science Facts The Sun is over times larger than earth. More Sun facts. Halley’s Comet was last seen in the inner Solar System in 1986, it will be visible again from Earth sometime in 2061 (get your camera ready). More comet facts. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a surface temperature of over 450 degrees celcius. Many scientists believe that an asteroid impact caused the extinction of the dinosaurs around 65 million years ago. More asteroid facts. The Solar System formed around 4.6 billion years ago. More Solar System facts.

24 Data Tables Pg. 11 Cornell Notes

25 What is Data? Data is information.
Raw Data-Data collected from an experiment which has not been put into a table or organized. Data can be quantitative or qualitative. Quantitative-measurements that can be expressed as numbers. Qualitative-observations made with your senses, normally words or symbols.

26 What 4 parts does a data table have?
A data table has 4 parts: A descriptive title The variables-What is being measured A. Independent is placed in the first row. B. Dependent variables are below The units-How the variable is measured The ordered pairs-the 2 numbers that represent a data point Remember: the purpose of a data table is to organize data and make it usable, so make sure your table is neat and readable.

27 What are the types of variables found in data tables?
Independent Variable-The factor that is being tested. The experimenter changes it intentionally. Tends to be regular and predictable. Dependent Variable – In an experiment, the factor that changes because of the independent variable. Not regular or predictable.

28 Summary Summary is 5 sentences in Green at the bottom of the notes.

29 Example: Data Table (Pg.8) Average Mass of Mice Given Drug X
Time(weeks) 5 10 15 20 Mass(grams) 45.0 45.3 44.0 42.3 39.8 Label the following: Title Independent variable Dependent variable Ordered pairs Units Is this data quantitative or qualitative?

30 Pg 12( Thru 1) Pg 13 (Thru 2) Brainstretcher # 2/3 Analysis questions:
What 4 parts must every data table have? In the data table for Brain Stretcher #2… What is the a) Independent variable? Dependent variable? (time or temp) How did you know which was the ind. and which was the dep. variable? Is the data quantitative or qualitative? Why? Pg 13 (Thru 2) Brainstretcher # 2/3

31 Do it Again pg. 10 (25pts) What are the types of variables found in data tables? Answer in Blue ink, Black ink or Pencil

32 Answer slide What are the types of variables found in data tables?
Dependent and Independent

33 Rule of 3! (Blue ink black ink or Pencil)
Out Pg.10 When is one time in your life when it is important to analyze data? Complete sentences Rule of 3! (Blue ink black ink or Pencil)

34 In: Pg 14 Fill in the concept map below: Parts of a data table

35 Fill in the concept map below:
variables title Parts of a data table units ordered pairs

36 Do it Now Pg. 14 What is/are the independent variable(s)? How do you know this?

37 Answer Slide What is/are the independent variable(s)? How do you know this? It is the variable on the top row and it influences what happens to the dependent variable.

38 Fun Science Facts Water is made up of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Its chemical formula is H2O. Each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded to a single oxygen atom. The existence of water is essential for life on Earth. Water has three different states, liquid, solid and gas. The word water usually refers to water in its liquid state. The solid state of water is known as ice while the gas state of water is known as steam or water vapor.

39 Thru 1: pg 15 Brainstretcher #8

40 Thru 2 Pg 16 Analysis Questions:
Data Table Activity Steps: Create a data table that records the following for each person at your table. Height Length of foot (measure all of these in centimeters) Color of hair Pick one other Quantitative and one additional Qualitative variable to record in the data table. Title your data table!!!!! Pg 16 Analysis Questions: What is/are the independent variable(s)? How do you know this? What is/are the dependent variable(s)? How do you know this? List one Quantitative variable Qualitative variable Can you have more than 1 independent variable? Why? Can you have more than 1 dependent variable? Why? Why do you think tables are used to record information?

41 Do it again Pg. 14 A scientist wants to know which type of material is a better insulator. So, she puts identical heat source behind walls of 3 different materials—Styrofoam, plastic and ceramic. On the other side of the wall, she put a thermometer to measure the temperature of the air. This will tell her how much heat energy is being transferred through the wall. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable?

42 Answer slide A scientist wants to know which type of material is a better insulator. So, she puts identical heat source behind walls of 3 different materials—Styrofoam, plastic and ceramic. On the other side of the wall, she put a thermometer to measure the temperature of the air. This will tell her how much heat energy is being transferred through the wall. What is the independent variable? Heat source What is the dependent variable? Air Temperature

43 Out Pg. 14 What are the parts of a data table

44 Tues. Quiz #1 today-get out paper and your INB Due dates!!!!!
Next class is the first notebook check for pages 1-19.

45 In: pg 18 Why do we say that graphs are “pictures” of data tables?

46 Answer Slide Why do we say that graphs are “pictures” of data tables?
Because graphs show a picture of how the data looks.

47 Do it Now Pg.18 Explain How a table helps to organize data.
Answer in Blue ink Black ink or Pencil.

48 Answer slide Explain How a table helps to organize data.
Table organize by using ordered pairs, having an excellent title and showing the units used in measuring variables. Data can be divided into two groups Quantitative and Qualitative.

49 Does ____________affect_____________?
Thru 1 Pg. 19 How to figure out the independent and dependent variable… The independent variable will be completely filled in on the data table before you do the activity. Remember: Independent variable--assigned by experimenter, predictable, input, decided. Dependent variable-- affected by the independent variable, not regular or predictable, output, measured. Does ____________affect_____________?

50 Thru 1: pg 19 Does ___________________affect ________________?
A scientist wants to know if the amount of snow fall in the Colorado Rockies during the winter affects the level of water in Lake Mead. So, he tracks the amount of snow that falls during the winter for 10 years. He then measures the level of water in Lake Mead for the same 10 years. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Does ___________________affect ________________?

51 Does ___________________affect ________________?
A scientist wants to figure out if increasing the amount of caffeine given to a rat increases its heart rate. So, she gives different amounts of caffeine to 5 different groups of rats and measures their heart rates. What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Does ___________________affect ________________?

52 Thru 2 Pg 20 Pg 21 Instructions
Analysis Questions: PG. 20 What is the independent variable for the a. Single line graph b. Multiple line graph What is the dependent variable for the The ________ variable is on the x axis and the ________ variable is on the y axis. What conclusion can you draw from the data represented in the What is an advantage of a multiple line graph over a single line graph? 6. What is the purpose of a key on a multiple line graph? Thru 2 Pg 21 Instructions Line Graphs-You will be making a single line graph on one side of the paper and a multiple line graph on the other side. Population Growth in the Las Vegas Valley Single Line Graph Make a single line graph from the data table. Education and Income Multiple Line Graph Create a multiple line graph from the data table.

53 Do it Again Pg. 18 What type of Variable was the income amount?
Answer in Blue Black or Pencil.

54 Answer slide: What type of Variable was the income amount?
dependent Variable

55 Out Pg. 18 Draw the graph below and label the locations where each of the following would be found: Title Data points Dependent variable Independent variable Units

56 In Pg. 22 What is the best way to represent data as parts of a whole?

57 Answer slide What is the best way to represent data as parts of a whole? Circle graph

58 Do it now Pg. 22 What is represented on the Y axis?

59 Answer slide What is represented on the Y axis? Dependent variable

60 Thru 1 Pg. 24 & Page Extender Study guide.
Follow instructions on Study guide.

61 Do it Again Pg. 22 What goes at the top of a graph?

62 Answer Slide What goes at the top of a graph? Title

63 Out Pg. 22 What is found on the X Axis?

64 Answer slide What is found on the X Axis? Independent variable

65 In – No page No IN Today is test day and I am testing behavior at this point. If you want to use your notebooks on the test you will: Sit quietly and be thankful of no IN activity Everybody will make sure everybody else has out a name tent or has spoken to me about it. When I walk in you will be silent If you meet all of the above you will get to use your notebook on the exam if not no notes.

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